into是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为prep. 到…里面, 进入; 成为(表示变化),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- And him a new guest and wanting to stay!Then she filled the mustard pot, and, putting it with a certain stateliness upon a gold and black tea-tray, carried it into the parlour.
-- CHAPTER II MR. TEDDY HENFREY'S FIRST IMPRESSIONS At four o'clock, when it was fairly dark and Mrs. Hall was screwing up her courage to go in and ask her visitor if he would take some tea, Teddy Henfrey, the clock-jobber, came into the bar.
-- Constans, who was 'seen by the captain to jump into the gig,'* luck-ily for us and unluckily for himself did not reach us.
-- She kept tacking to and fro in a widening compass, for she was sailing dead into the wind.
-- But I've put some stuff into you now.
-- He stared at me with his nether lip dropping, and looked so wilfully stupid of a sudden that it came into my head that he desired to avoid my questions.
-- I heard the unseen dogs growl furiously, and forthwith he ducked back, coming into contact with the hand I put out to fend him off from myself.
-- Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived.
-- It was the noise that bewilders woodcutters and gypsies sleeping in the open, and makes them run sometimes into the very mouth of the tiger.
-- The re-sult was that he shot up straight into the air for four or five feet, landing almost where he left ground.
-- He looked up into Father Wolf's face, and laughed.
-- The moonlight was blocked out of the mouth of the cave, for Shere Khan's great square head and shoulders were thrust into the entrance.
-- They mutually exhorted each other to be of use in the event of the chances of war throwing either of the parties into the hands of his enemies.
-- As every word uttered by Natty Bumppo was not to be received as rigid truth, we took the liberty of putting the 'Horican' into his mouth, as the substitute for 'Lake George.'
-- * Washington, who, after uselessly admonishing the Eu-ropean general of the danger into which he was heedlessly running, saved the remnants of the British army, on this oc-casion, by his decision and courage.
-- The scouts departed; strong guards preceded and followed the lumbering vehicles that bore the baggage; and before the gray light of the morning was mellowed by the rays of the sun, the main body of the combatants wheeled into column, and left the encampment with a show of high military bearing, that served to drown the slumber-ing apprehensions of many a novice, who was now about to make his first essay in arms.
-- While the common herd stood aloof, in deference to the quarters of Webb, the figure we have described stalked into the center of the domestics, freely expressing his censures or commendations on the merits of the horses, as by chance they displeased or satisfied his judgment.
-- I had wandered into it at noontime, when all nature is peculiarly quiet, and was startled by the roar of my own gun, as it broke the Sabbath stillness around and was prolonged and reverberated by the angry echoes.
-- What fearful shapes and shadows beset his path, amidst the dim and ghastly glare of a snowy night!With what wistful look did he eye every trembling ray of light streaming across the waste fields from some distant window!How often was he appalled by some shrub covered with snow, which, like a sheeted spectre, beset his very path!How often did he shrink with curdling awe at the sound of his own steps on the frosty crust beneath his feet; and dread to look over his shoulder, lest he should behold some uncouth being tramp-ing close behind him!and how often was he thrown into complete dismay by some rushing blast, howling among the trees, in the idea that it was the Galloping Hessian on one of his nightly scourings!
-- As the enraptured Ichabod fancied all this, and as he rolled his great green eyes over the fat meadow lands, the rich fields of wheat, of rye, of buckwheat, and Indian corn, and the orchards burdened with ruddy fruit, which surrounded the warm tenement of Van Tassel, his heart yearned after the damsel who was to inherit these domains, and his imagination expanded with the idea, how they might be readily turned into cash, and the money invested in immense tracts of wild land, and shingle palaces in the wilderness.
-- In one corner stood a huge bag of wool, ready to be spun; in another, a quantity of linsey-woolsey just from the loom; ears of Indian corn, and strings of dried apples and peaches, hung in gay festoons along the walls, mingled with the gaud of red peppers; and a door left ajar gave him a peep into the best parlor, where the claw-footed chairs and dark mahogany tables shone like mirrors; andirons, with their accompanying shovel and tongs, glistened from their covert of asparagus tops; mock- oranges and conch - shells decorated the mantelpiece; strings of various-colored birds eggs were suspended above it; a great ostrich egg was hung from the centre of the room, and a corner cupboard, know-ingly left open, displayed immense treasures of old silver and well-mended china.
-- Certain it is, his advances were signals for rival can-didates to retire, who felt no inclination to cross a lion in his amours; insomuch, that when his horse was seen tied to Van Tassel's paling, on a Sunday night, a sure sign that his master was courting, or, as it is termed, ' sparking,' within, all other suitors passed by in despair, and carried the war into other quarters.
-- Sometimes a man survives a considerable time from an era in which he had his place into one which is strange to him, and then the curious are offered one of the most singular spectacles in the human comedy.
-- Woman had not yet altogether come into her own.