
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:59


into是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为prep. 到…里面, 进入; 成为(表示变化),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- She did not adjust her hat, or pat her hair, or press a dimple into shape, or do one thing to signify that any such intention had been her motive in taking up the glass.

-- She simply observed herself as a fair product of Nature in the feminine kind, her thoughts seeming to glide into far-off though likely dramas in which men would play a part vistas of probable triumphs the smiles being of a phase suggesting that hearts were imagined as lost and won.



-- A Parisian straying into a suburb apparently composed of lodging-houses and public institutions would see poverty and dullness, old age lying down to die, and joyous youth condemned to drudgery.

-- Even so, step by step the daylight decreases, and the cicerone's droning voice grows hollower as the traveler descends into the Catacombs.

-- Access into the graveled walk is afforded by a door, above which the words MAISON VAUQUER may be read, and beneath, in rather smaller letters, "_Lodgings for both sexes, etc._" During the day a glimpse into the garden is easily obtained through a wicket to which a bell is attached.

-- The cook sweeps all the refuse out through a little door into the Rue Nueve-Sainte-Genevieve, and frequently cleanses the yard with copious supplies of water, under pain of pestilence.

-- Another door opens out of it into the dining-room, which is separated from the kitchen by the well of the staircase, the steps being constructed partly of wood, partly of tiles, which are colored and beeswaxed.



-- But just at that time I inherited the fortune of my cousin, and my thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.

-- 13Letter 4To Mrs. Saville, England August 5th, 17 So strange an accident has happened to us that I cannot forbear recording it, although it is very probable that you will see me before these papers can come into your posses-sion.

-- We attempted to carry him into the cabin, but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air he fainted.

-- He entered attentively into all my arguments in favour of my eventual success and into every minute detail of the measures I had taken to secure it.

-- Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery and be overwhelmed by disappointments, yet when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.



-- But for all the modesty of her spreadingskirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap,her true self was poorly concealed.

-- Outside, the late afternoon sun slanted down in the yard, throwing into gleaming brightness the dogwood trees thatwere solid masses of white blossoms against the background of new green.

-- There's nothing worsethan a barbecue turned into an indoor picnic."

-- Now that the sun was setting in a welter of crimson behind tin lulls across the Flint River, the warmth of the April daywas ebbing into a faint but balmy chill.

-- The whitewashed brick plantation house seemed an islandset in a wild red sea, a sea of spiraling, curving, crescent billows petrified suddenly at the moment when the pink-tipped waves were breaking into surf.



-- After darkly looking at his leg and me several times, he came closer to my tombstone, took me by both arms, and tilted me back as far as he could hold me; so that his eyes looked most powerfully down into mine, and mine looked most helplessly up into his.

-- But presently I looked over my shoulder, and saw him going on again towards the river, still hugging himself in both arms, and picking his way with his sore feet among the great stones dropped into the marshes here and there, for stepping-places when the rains were heavy or the tide was in.

-- She concluded by throwing me--I often served as a connubial missile--at Joe, who, glad to get hold of me on any terms, passed me on into the chimney and quietly fenced me up there with his great leg.

-- First, with her left hand she jammed the loaf hard and fast against her bib,--where it sometimes got a pin into it, and sometimes a needle, which we afterwards got into our mouths.

-- Then, she gave the knife a final smart wipe on the edge of the plaster, and then sawed a very thick round off the loaf: which she finally, before separating from the loaf, hewed into two halves, of which Joe got one, and I the other.



-- So he shot his arrow at the fox; but he missed it, and it set up its tail above its back and ran into the wood.

-- 'I should be very silly,' said he, 'if I went to that shabby house, and left this charming place'; so he went into the smart house, and ate and drank at his ease, and forgot the bird, and his country too.











