ugly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 丑陋的, 险恶的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "They are all so busy playing the ugly duckling," cried Ursula, with mocking laughter.
-- "And I don't feel a bit like a humble and pathetic ugly duckling.
-- They were nearing the launch, which stood still big above them, her myriad lamps making lovely darts, and sinuous running tongues of ugly red and green and yellow light on the lustrous dark water, under the shadow.
-- He wanted the other man to come out of the ugly misery.
-- Four raw new towns, and many ugly industrial hamlets were crowded under his dependence.
-- I had ever before me the old dark murky rooms the gaunt suits of mail with their ghostly silent air the faces all awry, grinning from wood and stone the dust and rust and worm that lives in wood and alone in the midst of all this lumber and decay and ugly age, the beautiful child in her gentle slumber, smiling through her light and sunny dreams.
-- Indeed, the ugly creature contrived by some means or other whether by his ugliness or his ferocity or his natural cunning is no great matter to impress with a wholesome fear of his anger, most of those with whom he was brought into daily contact and communication.
-- Nothing escaped the hawk's eye of the ugly little man, who, perfectly understanding what passed in the old lady's mind, turned uglier still in the fulness of his satisfaction, and bade her good morning, with a leer or triumph.
-- There was a crooked stack of chimneys on one of the roofs, in which, by often looking at them, she had fancied ugly faces that were frowning over at her and trying to peer into the room; and she felt glad when it grew too dark to make them out, though she was sorry too, when the man came to light the lamps in the street for it made it late, and very dull inside.
-- Here, then, he sat, one leg cocked carelessly over the other, his chin resting on the palm of his hand, his head turned a little on one side, and his ugly features twisted into a complacent grimace.
-- In the hut there was a girl in a felt hat and short fur coat, sinewy, and with an ugly and unpleasant face, relieved, however, by her pleasant eyes and raised eyebrows.
-- There was something ugly in the very memory of it.
-- I shouldn't like to lose it at all because they'd have to give me another, and it would be almost certain to be an ugly one.
-- On the night before the funeral he was as drunk as ever; and it was shocking, in that house of mourning, to hear him singing away at his ugly old sea-song; but weak as he was, we were all in the fear of death for him, and the doctor was suddenly taken up with a case many miles away and was never near the house after my father's death.
-- Another gentleman ""Come, now, march," interrupted he; and I never heard a voice so cruel, and cold, and ugly as that blind man's.
-- "He were an ugly devil," cried a third pirate with a shudder; "that blue in the face too!"