ugly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 丑陋的, 险恶的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Winterslow asked her, with an ugly smile.
-- His had a cold, ugly look of dislike and contempt, and indifference to what would happen.
-- A terrible, seething welter of ugly life it seemed: not at all the flat drabness it looked from out-side.
-- No wonder these peo-ple were ugly and tough.
-- And beyond that again, in the wide rolling regions of the castles, smoke waved against steam, and patch after patch of raw reddish brick showed the newer mining settlements, sometimes in the hollows, sometimes gruesomely ugly along the sky-line of the slopes.
-- To come out of the twilight of pillars and arches dreamily dotted with winking lamps, dreamily peopled with ugly old shadows piously dozing, spitting, and begging was to plunge into a fiery river, and swim for life to the nearest strip of shade.
-- The hand with which he held the grating (seamed all over the back with ugly scratches newly healed), was unusually small and plump; would have been unusually white but for the prison grime.
-- No pictures, no unfamiliar animals, no rare plants or flowers, no natural or artificial wonders of the ancient world all taboo with that enlightened strictness, that the ugly South Sea gods in the British Museum might have supposed themselves at home again.
-- Its movables were ugly old chairs with worn-out seats, and ugly old chairs without any seats; a threadbare patternless carpet, a maimed table, a crippled wardrobe, a lean set of fire-irons like the skeleton of a set deceased, a washing-stand that looked as if it had stood for ages in a hail of dirty soapsuds, and a bedstead with four bare atomies of posts, each terminating in a spike, as if for the dismal accommodation of lodgers who might prefer to impale themselves.
-- As they went along, certainly one of the party, and probably more than one, thought that Bleeding Heart Yard was no inappropriate destination for a man who had been in official correspondence with my lords and the Barnacles and perhaps had a misgiving also that Britannia herself might come to look for lodgings in Bleeding Heart Yard some ugly day or other, if she over-did the Circumlocution Office.
-- Another chant from Hagar produced another apparition, not a lovely one, for with a bang an ugly black imp appeared and, having croaked a reply, tossed a dark bottle at Hugo and disappeared with a mocking laugh.
-- 'I shall have to toil and moil all my days, with only little bits of fun now and then, and get old and ugly and sour, be-cause I'm poor and can't enjoy my life as other girls do.
-- 'Your deer are much prettier than our ugly buffaloes,' she said, turning to the prairies for help and feeling glad that she had read one of the boys' books in which Jo delighted.
-- She read the short reports he sent more than she did your letters, and pinched me when I spoke of it, and likes brown eyes, and doesn't think John an ugly name, and she'll go and fall in love, and there's an end of peace and fun, and cozy times together.
-- The ugly duckling turned out a swan, you know.'
-- But Queequeg, he had a mortal, barbaric smack of the lip in eating an ugly sound enough so much so, that the trembling Dough-Boy almost looked to see whether any marks of teeth lurked in his own lean arms.
-- But Radney, the mate, was ugly as a mule; yet as hardy, as stubborn, as malicious.
-- "I was about observing, sir, before Captain Boomer's facetious interruption, that spite of my best and severest endeavors, the wound kept getting worse and worse; the truth was, sir, it was as ugly gaping wound as surgeon ever saw; more than two feet and several inches long.
-- 'I hope I am, sir,' said Mr. Gamfield, with an ugly leer.
-- He was short of his age: with rather bow-legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes.
-- Burn my body, make haste!It's enough to turn a man ill, to see his lean old carcase shivering in that way, like a ugly ghost just rose from the grave.'
-- 'Because, my pretty cross-examiner,' replied the doctor: 'because, viewed with their eyes, there are many ugly points about it; he can only prove the parts that look ill, and none of those that look well.
-- said a little ugly hump-backed man: opening the door so suddenly, that the doctor, from the very impetus of his last kick, nearly fell forward into the passage.
-- But he is an ugly fellow!I am glad he is gone.