ugly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 丑陋的, 险恶的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.
-- Her ugly sister, Manon, married M. Duvillard, the rich banker, last autumn.
-- Ugly wretch!You wish to eat me and tear me to pieces.
-- These were wild and miserable thoughts, but I cannot de-scribe to you how the eternal twinkling of the stars weighed upon me and how I listened to every blast of wind as if it were a dull ugly siroc on its way to consume me.
-- There was no servant so stupid that she did not find some redeeming trait ofloyalty and kind-heartedness, no girl so ugly and disagreeable that she could not discover grace of form or nobility ofcharacter in her, and no man so worthless or so boring that she did not view him in the light of his possibilities ratherthan his actualities.
-- She sank down on one of the little stools behind the counter of the booth and looked up and down the long hallwhich, until this afternoon, had been a bare and ugly drill room.
-- In the center of the hall the huge ugly lamp, hanging from the ceiling by rusty chains, was completely transformedby twining ivy and wild grapevines that were already withering from the heat.
-- Rebelliously she leaned her elbows on the counter and looked at the crowd, flouting Mammy's oft-repeatedadmonition against leaning on elbows and making them ugly and wrinkled.
-- She laughed an ugly laugh.
-- On the edge of the river I could faintly make out the only two black things in all the prospect that seemed to be standing upright; one of these was the beacon by which the sailors steered,--like an unhooped cask upon a pole,--an ugly thing when you were near it; the other, a gibbet, with some chains hanging to it which had once held a pirate.
-- I thought I saw him leer in an ugly way at me while the decanters were going round, but as there was no love lost between us, that might easily be.
-- "Moths, and all sorts of ugly creatures," replied Estella, with a glance towards him, "hover about a lighted candle.
-- Whereas they were easy of innocent solution apart,--as, for instance, some diner out or diner at home, who had not gone near this watchman's gate, might have strayed to my staircase and dropped asleep there,--and my nameless visitor might have brought some one with him to show him the way,--still, joined, they had an ugly look to one as prone to distrust and fear as the changes of a few hours had made me.
-- 'And to take that ugly thing away from her?'
-- For a while he watched it sinking in the deep clear wa-ter; then sprang up and danced for joy, and again fell upon his knees and thanked Heaven, with tears in his eyes, for its kindness in taking away his only plague, the ugly heavy stone.
-- 121MOTHER HOLLE nce upon a time there was a widow who had two Odaughters; one of them was beautiful and industrious, the other ugly and lazy.
-- The mother, however, loved the ugly and lazy one best, because she was her own daughter, and so the other, who was only her stepdaughter, was made to do all the work of the house, and was quite the Cinderella of the family.
-- 170 Grimms' Fairy Tales SWEETHEART ROLAND here was once upon a time a woman who was a real Twitch and had two daughters, one ugly and wicked, and this one she loved because she was her own daughter, and one beautiful and good, and this one she hated, because she was her stepdaughter.
-- Then Dummling asked once more for his bride, but the king was vexed that such an ugly fellow, whom everyone called Dummling, should take away his daughter, and he made a new condition; he must first find a man who could eat a whole mountain of bread.
-- The ugly monster, when he saw me, distorted several ways, every feature of his visage, and stared, as at an object he had never seen before; then approaching nearer, lifted up his fore-paw, whether out of curiosity or mischief I could not tell; but I drew my hanger, and gave him a good blow with the flat side of it, for I durst not strike with the edge, fearing the inhabitants might be provoked against me, if they should come to know that I had killed or maimed any of their cattle.
-- To continue in fistic phraseology, he had a genius for coming up to the scratch, wherever and whatever it was, and proving himself an ugly customer.
-- In the hardest working part of Coketown; in the innermost fortifications of that ugly citadel, where Nature was as strongly bricked out as killing airs and gases were bricked in; at the heart of the labyrinth of narrow courts upon courts, and close streets upon streets, which had come into existence piecemeal, every piece in a violent hurry for some one man's purpose, and the whole an unnatural family, shouldering, and trampling, and pressing one another to death; in the last close nook of this great exhausted receiver, where the chimneys, for want of air to make a draught, were built in an immense variety of stunted and crooked shapes, as though every house put out a sign of the kind of people who might be expected to be born in it; among the multitude of Coketown, generically called 'the Hands,' a race who would have found more favour with some people, if Providence had seen fit to make them only hands, or, like the lower creatures of the seashore, only hands and stomachs lived a certain Stephen Blackpool, forty years of age.
-- Or she might be as ugly as she was rich, without any fear of losing me.
-- Though he said all this in his frivolous way, the way seemed, for that once, a conscious polishing of but an ugly surface.