ugly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 丑陋的, 险恶的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Rome will be a ugly customer to you, if you don't.
-- They were all by that time choking the Hall of Ex-amination where this old man, ugly and wicked, was, and overflowing into the adjacent open space and streets.
-- 'Only look what is still on the ugly old Christmas tree!'
-- One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was re-flected therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness.
-- On with them!Now you look about the hands just like my ugly old mother!'
-- They had the most wondrous shapes; some looked like large ugly porcu-pines; others like snakes knotted together, with their heads sticking out; and others, again, like small fat bears, with the hair standing on end: all were of dazzling whiteness all were living snow-flakes.
-- The ugly apes sat upon the trees, and grinned.
-- The mysterious, enchanting Kitty herself could not love such an ugly person as he conceived himself to be, and, above all, such an ordinary, in no way striking person.
-- He had heard that women often did care for ugly and ordinary men, but he did not believe it, for he judged by himself, and he could not himself have loved any but beautiful, mysterious, and exceptional women.
-- "When I'm old and ugly I'll be the same," Betsy used to say; "but for a pretty young woman like you it's early days for that house of charity."
-- His face was ugly and forbidding, as Anna had never seen him.
-- An hour later Anna, with Golenishtchev by her side and Vronsky on the front seat of the carriage, facing them, drove up to a new ugly house in the remote suburb.
-- "Of death, perhaps," muttered back Passepartout, "but of love that ugly old hag?
-- V With broad porches and low roof, among bright flamboyants and the cheerful sago palms, the bungalow of Penrith Lodge lay high on a crest, looking across the ugly flat of the town to the wash of sea.
-- They say, too, the girl was not at all pretty, in fact I am told posi-tively ugly 芒聙娄 and such an invalid 芒聙娄 and queer.
-- She was an ugly little thing.
-- It's hardly civil, Porfiry Petrovitch, but perhaps I won't allow it!I shall get up and throw the whole truth in your ugly faces, and you'll see how I despise you.'
-- presented by Tchebarov, the new paint, thirty de-grees Reaumur and a stifling atmosphere, a crowd of people, the talk about the murder of a person where he had been just before, and all that on an empty stomach he might well have a fainting fit!And that, that is what they found it all on!Damn them!I understand how annoying it is, but in your place, Rodya, I would laugh at them, or better still, spit in their ugly faces, and spit a dozen times in all directions.
-- At last I shook my fist in his ugly face, and told him as a cousin I'd brain him.
-- Into this shop, which was low and small, and which was darkenedrather than lighted by a little window, overhung with clothes, andwas descended into by some steps, I went with a palpitating heart;which was not relieved when an ugly old man, with the lower partof his face all covered with a stubbly grey beard, rushed out of adirty den behind it, and seized me by the hair of my head.
-- To have seen the mother and son, liketwo great bats hanging over the whole house, and darkening itwith their ugly forms, made me so uncomfortable, that I wouldrather have remained downstairs, knitting and all, than gone tobed.
-- 'Oh, what ugly wrinkles in my bad boy's forehead!'
-- I saw Uriah watch her while she greeted us; and he reminded meof an ugly and rebellious genie watching a good spirit.
-- A pretty waggon is better than an ugly hearse, after all.