
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


lie是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vi. 躺, 平放; 处于; 位于v. 说谎n. 谎话,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Bagheera would lie out on a branch and call, 'Come along, Little Brother,' and at first Mowgli would cling like the sloth, but afterward he would fling himself through the branches almost as boldly as the gray ape.

-- The buffaloes generally keep to the pools andmuddy places, where they lie wallowing or basking in the warm mud for hours.

-- The cattle move and crunch, and lie down, and move on again, and they do not even low.

-- They only grunt, and the buffaloes very seldom say anything, but get down into the muddy pools one after another, and work their way into the mud till only their noses and staring china-blue eyes show above the sur-face, and then they lie like logs.



-- It is one of their customs to write in books what they have done and seen, instead of tell-ing them in their villages, where the lie can be given to the face of a cowardly boaster, and the brave soldier can call on his comrades to witness for the truth of his words.

-- 'The waters in the woods, and on the great lakes, run downward until they lie like my hand,' said the Indian, stretching the limb horizontally before him, 'and then they run no more.'

-- You might as well expect the river to lie still on the brink of those black rocks a mile above us, though your own ears tell you that it is tumbling over them at this very moment.'

-- 'I have been on their trail,' replied the young Indian, 'and know that they number as many as the fingers of my two hands; but they lie hid like cowards.'

-- 'This is well,' continued Heyward; 'and Le Renard will have strength and sight to find the path in the morning"; he paused, for sounds like the snapping of a dried stick, and the rustling of leaves, rose from the adjacent bushes, but recollecting himself instantly, he continued, 'we must be moving before the sun is seen, or Montcalm may lie in our path, and shut us out from the fortress.'



-- You lie down on the ground and ask people to trample on you."

-- I thought it probable enough that Blanche Stroeve would not continue to find life with Strickland tolerable, but one of the falsest of proverbs is that you must lie on the bed that you have made.

-- I forced him to eat, and after luncheon I induced him to lie down, but he could not sleep.

-- I felt that no words of condolence availed, and I let him lie there quietly.

-- "He'd be a bit surly sometimes, but when we hadn't had a bite since morning, and we hadn't even got the price of a lie down at the Chink's, he'd be as lively as a cricket."



-- However, as the bank of trees hid the shore, it was possible that a vessel, especially if deprived of her masts, might lie close to the land and thus be invisible to Herbert.



-- Then, the crowds for ever passing and repassing on the bridges (on those which are free of toll at last), where many stop on fine evenings looking listlessly down upon the water with some vague idea that by and by it runs between green banks which grow wider and wider until at last it joins the broad vast sea where some halt to rest from heavy loads and think as they look over the parapet that to smoke and lounge away one's life, and lie sleeping in the sun upon a hot tarpaulin, in a dull, slow, sluggish barge, must be happiness unalloyed and where some, and a very different class, pause with heavier loads than they, remembering to have heard or read in old time that drowning was not a hard death, but of all means of suicide the easiest and best.

-- Covent Garden Market at sunrise too, in the spring or summer, when the fragrance of sweet flowers is in the air, over-powering even the unwholesome streams of last night's debauchery, and driving the dusky thrush, whose cage has hung outside a garret window all night long, half mad with joy!Poor bird!the only neighbouring thing at all akin to the other little captives, some of whom, shrinking from the hot hands of drunken purchasers, lie drooping on the path already, while others, soddened by close contact, await the time when they shall be watered and freshened up to please more sober company, and make old clerks who pass them on their road to business, wonder what has filled their breasts with visions of the country.

-- He began by remarking that soda-water, though a good thing in the abstract, was apt to lie cold upon the stomach unless qualified with ginger, or a small infusion of brandy, which latter article he held to be preferable in all cases, saving for the one consideration of expense.

-- It is far better to lie down at night beneath an open sky like that yonder see how bright it is than to rest in close rooms which are always full of care and weary dreams.

-- Then there were so many of them with their great glassy eyes and, as they stood one behind the other all about her bed, they looked so like living creatures, and yet so unlike in their grim stillness and silence, that she had a kind of terror of them for their own sakes, and would often lie watching their dusky figures until she was obliged to rise and light a candle, or go and sit at the open window and feel a companionship in the bright stars.



-- The old maiden chided them for the cream and for permitting the woman to lie in the cow-shed, and was on the point of departing, but noticing the child, was moved to pity, and afterward consented to stand godmother to the child.

-- Before dinner he would lie down in the woods and sleep; then, at dinner, he made merry, jesting with his aunts; then went out riding or rowing.

-- Why should she lie so!"

-- "I shall break this lie that binds me at any cost.









