lie是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vi. 躺, 平放; 处于; 位于v. 说谎n. 谎话,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "And if you were asked to lie in wait for a llama, notwithstanding the cold and the darkness, you would do it without the least hesitation?"
-- But the track they were following was one little frequented by the natives, for the ordinary routes across the Pampas lie further north.
-- Their salvation did not lie in their own hands.
-- They lie in our route, and would not take us the least out of the way.
-- But for the powerful propeller the yacht would have been obliged to lie motionless as a log.
-- If on that forbidding moor a difficult and dangerous quest should lie before us, this was at least a comrade for whom one might venture to take a risk with the certainty that he would bravely share it.
-- Chapter 8 First Report of Dr. Watson rom this point onward I will follow the course of events Fby transcribing my own letters to Mr. Sherlock Holm-es which lie before me on the table.
-- That is the whole truth, as I am an honest Christian woman, and you will see that if there is blame in the matter it does not lie with my husband, but with me, for whose sake he has done all that he has.'
-- But where could such a hound lie concealed, where did it get its food, where did it come from, how was it that no one saw it by day?
-- They have given up the chase there, and he can lie quiet un-til the ship is ready for him.
-- said Gania, bringing out his lie with a telltale blush of shame.
-- You lie if you deny it.
-- I shall lie at the threshold, and she shall trample me underfoot if she does.
-- The prince tried to speak, but could not form his words; a great weight seemed to lie upon his breast and suffocate him.
-- Let it lie here beside him.
-- or is it some young girl to hide and lie with?
-- Come, let us lie down together and make friends.
-- 'Menelaus,' said he, 'has two good friends among the goddesses, Juno of Argos, and Minerva of Alalcomene, but they only sit still and look on, while Ve-nus keeps ever by Alexandrus' side to defend him in any danger; indeed she has just rescued him when he made sure that it was all over with him for the victory really did lie with Menelaus.
-- We shall leave Priam and the Trojans the glory of still keeping Helen, and the earth will rot your bones as you lie here at Troy with your purpose not fulfilled.
-- Would you wait till the Trojans reach the sterns of our ships as they lie on the shore, to see wheth-er the son of Saturn will hold his hand over you to protect you?'
-- I was too ignorant of botany to discover any resort of root or fruit that might lie about me; I had no means of trapping the few rabbits upon the island.
-- Lie still, little frog.
-- "Why should I lie to you?"
-- Then the Fairy of the Azure Hair sent the coach to rescue me and the doctors, after looking at me, said, 'If he is not dead, then he is surely alive,' and then I told a lie and my nose began to grow.