grave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 严重的; 严肃的, 庄重的; n. 墓,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- A pool of blood on the steps near his head gave rise to grave fears.
-- The words were spoken in a grave tone, and even some-what shyly.
-- When they were got together, they first quenched the fire with wine wherev-er it was burning, and then his brothers and comrades with many a bitter tear gathered his white bones, wrapped them in soft robes of purple, and laid them in a golden urn, which they placed in a grave and covered over with large stones set close together.
-- He looked very wise and grave indeed.
-- He took quite a grave view of the case.
-- The expanded chest, full formed limbs, and grave countenance of this warrior, would denote that he had reached the vigor of his days, though no symptoms of decay appeared to have yet weakened his manhood.
-- Heyward and the sisters arose, on the instant, from the grassy sepulcher; nor could the two latter, notwithstand-ing the terrific scenes they had so recently passed through, entirely suppress an emotion of natural horror, when they found themselves in such familiar contact with the grave of the dead Mohawks.
-- The instant this was done they issued through the broken gateway, and stealing out by a direction opposite to the one by which they entered, they quitted the spot, the sisters casting furtive glances at the si-lent, grave and crumbling ruin, as they left the soft light of the moon, to bury themselves in the gloom of the woods.
-- 'It was a convenient, and, I trust, will prove a peaceful grave for a soldier.
-- As for the grave there being as quiet as you mention, it is another matter.
-- She was not the ravishing creature that his love-sick fancy saw, but she had a grave comeliness.
-- I could imagine her sedately busy among her pots and pans, making a ritual of her household duties, so that they acquired a moral significance; I did not suppose that she was clever or could ever be amusing, but there was something in her grave intentness which excited my interest.
-- She looked at him with the grave cheerfulness which was one of her charms.
-- One morning the tramp docked at Alexandria, and from the deck he looked at the city, white in the sunlight, and the crowd on the wharf; he saw the natives in their shabby gabardines, the blacks from the Soudan, the noisy throng of Greeks and Italians, the grave Turks in tarbooshes, the sunshine and the blue sky; and something happened to him.
-- But he made her promise that when she had buried him did I tell you that I dug his grave with my own hands, for none of the natives would approach the infected house, and we buried him, she and I, sewn up in three pareos joined together, under the mango-tree he made her promise that she would set fire to the house and not leave it till it was burned to the ground and not a stick remained."
-- It was a grave loss in their circumstances, and for the time irreparable.
-- replied Neb, "and if Top had not found you, and brought you here, I should have buried my master, and then have lain down on his grave to die!"
-- Cyrus Harding seized the lad's hand, and in a grave voice, "An island!"
-- But before giving his companions the signal for departure, Cyrus Harding said to them in a calm, grave voice, Here, my friends, is the small corner of land upon which the hand of the Almighty has thrown us.
-- By this time, Mr Swiveller had finished his entry, and he now replaced his pencil in its little sheath and closed the book, in a perfectly grave and serious frame of mind.
-- Frequently raising her eyes to the trees whence these sounds came down, and feeling as though they made the place more quiet than perfect silence would have done, the child loitered from grave to grave, now stopping to replace with careful hands the bramble which had started from some green mound it helped to keep in shape, and now peeping through one of the low latticed windows into the church, with its worm-eaten books upon the desks, and baize of whitened-green mouldering from the pew sides and leaving the naked wood to view.
-- She was looking at a humble stone which told of a young man who had died at twenty-three years old, fifty-five years ago, when she heard a faltering step approaching, and looking round saw a feeble woman bent with the weight of years, who tottered to the foot of that same grave and asked her to read the writing on the stone.
-- These were no other than four very dismal dogs, who came pattering in one after the other, headed by an old bandy dog of particularly mournful aspect, who, stopping when the last of his followers had got as far as the door, erected himself upon his hind legs and looked round at his companions, who immediately stood upon their hind legs, in a grave and melancholy row.
-- There was something contagious in Kit's laugh, for his mother, who had looked grave before, first subsided into a smile, and then fell to joining in it heartily, which occasioned Kit to say that he knew it was natural, and to laugh the more.