grave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 严重的; 严肃的, 庄重的; n. 墓,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It was evident from his physiognomy that he was a lively, intelligent man; he had not the crabbed expression of those grave individuals who never laugh on principle, and cover their emptiness with a mask of seriousness.
-- "I know it is, my dear Lord; they have made grave mistakes.
-- The child had not only met his death on the mountain, but found a grave which some enormous rock had sealed forever.
-- His waiting attitude was full of dignity; indeed, to see him standing grave and motionless on his pedestal of rocks, one might have taken him for a statue of sang-froid.
-- Two grave questions, moreover, had to be settled: where to get food, and means of transport.
-- Then on the top of these more or less vague im-pressions there had come the definite and distinct warning of Miss Stapleton, delivered with such intense earnestness that I could not doubt that some grave and deep reason lay behind it.
-- If he would confine his energies to this all would be well, but there are rumours that he intends to prosecute Dr. Mortimer for opening a grave without the consent of the next-of-kin, because he dug up the Neolithic skull in the barrow on Long Down.
-- A liveried servant opened the door, and the prince was obliged to enter into long ex-planations with this gentleman, who, from the first glance, looked at him and his bundle with grave suspicion.
-- With a grave and ceremonious air, Marfa Borisovna mo-tioned the prince to a chair at one of the card-tables.
-- All this caused the general to look grave and important.
-- My father, a wise and grave man, gave me serious and ex-cellent counsel against what he foresaw was my design.
-- These wise and sober thoughts continued all the while the storm lasted, and indeed some time after; but the next day the wind was abated, and the sea calmer, and I began to be a little inured to it; however, I was very grave for all that day, being also a little sea-sick still; but towards night the weather cleared up, the wind was quite over, and a charm-ing fine evening followed; the sun went down perfectly clear, and rose so the next morning; and having little or no wind, and a smooth sea, the sun shining upon it, the sight was, as I thought, the most delightful that ever I saw.
-- The first time he spoke to me after we were at Yarmouth, which was not till two or three days, for we were separated in the town to several quarters; I say, the first time he saw me, it appeared his tone was altered; and, looking very melan-choly, and shaking his head, he asked me how I did, and telling his father who I was, and how I had come this voy-age only for a trial, in order to go further abroad, his father, turning to me with a very grave and concerned tone 'Young man,' says he, 'you ought never to go to sea any more; you ought to take this for a plain and visible token that you are not to be a seafaring man.'
-- He looked grave at that, and then said, 'No, no, they no kill me, they willing love learn.'
-- He answered not one word, but looked very grave and sad.
-- "She is only grown a little more grave than she was."
-- He was particularly grave the whole morning.
-- Her husband was a grave looking young man of five or six and twenty, with an air of more fashion and sense than his wife, but of less willingness to please or be pleased.
-- Marianne looked very grave and said nothing.
-- "So do I. He is such a charming man, that it is quite a pity he should be so grave and so dull.
-- There was a class, however, too rich, too famous, or too successful, with whom he could not attempt any familiarity of address, and with these he was professionally tactful, assuming a grave and dignified attitude, paying them the deference which would win their good feeling without in the least compromising his own bearing and opinions.
-- Given time enough, however, the balance becomes a sagging to the grave side.
-- Let the cold world do its worst; one thing I know there's a grave somewhere for me.
-- And when they got to the grave they found they had about a hundred times as many shovels as they wanted, but nobody hadn't thought to fetch a lantern.