
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:05


grave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 严重的; 严肃的, 庄重的; n. 墓,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Wonderfullest things are ever the unmentionable; deep memories yield no epitaphs; this six-inch chapter is the stoneless grave of Bulkington.

-- What, perhaps, with other things, made Stubb such an easy-going, unfearing man, so cheerily trudging off with the burden of life in a world full of grave pedlars, all bowed to the ground with their packs; what helped to bring about that almost impious good-humor of his; that thing must have been his pipe.

-- When the last echo of his sultan's step has died away, and Starbuck, the first Emir, has every reason to suppose that he is seated, then Starbuck rouses from his quietude, takes a few turns along the planks, and, after a grave peep into the binnacle, says, with some touch of pleasantness, "Dinner, Mr. Stubb," and descends the scuttle.

-- Twenty-four hours after, his trick at the silent helm nigh to the man who was apt to doze over the grave always ready dug to the seaman's hand that fatal hour was then to come; and in the fore-ordaining soul of Steelkilt, the mate was already stark and stretched as a corpse, with his forehead crushed in.



-- It was no very difficult task, for the grave was so full, that the uppermost coffin was within a few feet of the surface.

-- The man who had never once moved, since he had taken his station by the grave side, started, raised his head, stared at the person who had addressed him, walked forward for a few paces; and fell down in a swoon.

-- There were the faces of friends, and foes, and of many that had been almost strangers peering intrusively from the crowd; there were the faces of young and blooming girls that were now old women; there were faces that the grave had changed and closed upon, but which the mind, superior to its power, still dressed in their old freshness and beauty, calling back the lustre of the eyes, the brightness of the smile, the beaming of the soul through its mask of clay, and whispering of beauty beyond the tomb, changed but to be heightened, and taken from earth only to be set up as a light, to shed a soft and gentle glow upon the path to Heaven.

-- By the time he had got upon his legs, the Jew had disappeared; so Mr. Lively, after ineffectually standing on tiptoe, in the hope of catching sight of him, again forced himself into the little chair, and, exchanging a shake of the head with a lady in the opposite shop, in which doubt and mistrust were plainly mingled, resumed his pipe with a grave demeanour.

-- Fagin, troubled by no grave emotions, looked eagerly from face to face while these proceedings were in progress; but apparently without meeting that of which he was in search.



-- Mr. Darcy, with grave propriety, requested to be allowed the honour of her hand, but in vain.

-- His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.

-- As for Mary, she was mistress enough of herself to whisper to Elizabeth, with a countenance of grave reflec-tion, soon after they were seated at table: 'This is a most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of.

-- Her father was walking about the room, looking grave and anxious.

-- 'Because you were grave and silent, and gave me no en-couragement.'



-- Mr Meagles's companion, a grave dark man of forty, still stood looking towards this archway after they were gone; until Mr Meagles tapped him on the arm.

-- 'If I am grave about it, I am not at all sorrowful.

-- 'My unknown course is easier and more helpful than I had expected to find it, then,' said Clennam, shaking his head with his grave smile.

-- ' And because she was very weak; indeed was so weak that when she began to laugh she couldn't stop herself which was a great pity '(Maggy mighty grave of a sudden.)

-- There was a grave clock, ticking somewhere up the staircase; and there was a songless bird in the same direction, pecking at his cage, as if he were ticking too.



-- A cluster of grave yet cheerful pansies on a deeper purple ground was pronounced very appropriate and pret-ty, and beth worked away early and late, with occasional lifts over hard parts.

-- And Meg tried to keep her countenance, Amy looked so grave and impor-tant.

-- Mrs. March looked grave and grieved, and Amy felt that no one would love her till she had asked pardon for the act which she now regretted more than any of them.

-- The little grave where her infant sleeps Is 'neath the chestnut tree.

-- But o'er her grave we may not weep, We know not where it may be.








