
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:05


grave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 严重的; 严肃的, 庄重的; n. 墓,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'There must have been very grave grounds for it, if he is so furious at the word,' Porfiry laughed.

-- 'Very good, tell me your little notion,' Raskolnikov stood waiting, pale and grave before him.



-- Here was acoincidence!I immediately went into an explanation how I hadnever seen my own father; and how my mother and I had alwayslived by ourselves in the happiest state imaginable, and lived sothen, and always meant to live so; and how my father's grave wasin the churchyard near our house, and shaded by a tree, beneaththe boughs of which I had walked and heard the birds sing many apleasant morning.

-- She had lost hermother before her father; and where her father's grave was no oneknew, except that it was somewhere in the depths of the sea.

-- 'You have a good deal of intelligence for a little fellow,' he said,with a grave smile that belonged to him, 'and you understood mevery well, I see.

-- 'Ithink, Clara,' said Mr. Murdstone, in a low grave voice, 'that theremay be better and more dispassionate judges of such a questionthan you.'

-- I thought of my father's grave in thechurchyard, by our house, and of my mother lying there beneaththe tree I knew so well.



-- 'I wonder he did not remember the book' was all Har-riet's answer, and spoken with a degree of grave displeasure which Emma thought might be safely left to itself.

-- He was so much displeased, that it was longer than usual before he came to Hartfield again; and when they did meet, his grave looks shewed that she was not forgiven.

-- It did assist; for though he began with grave looks and short questions, he was soon led on to talk of them all in the usual way, and to take the child out of her arms with all the unceremoniousness of perfect amity.

-- After a little more discourse in praise of gruel, with some wondering at its not being taken every evening by every body, he proceeded to say, with an air of grave reflection, 'It was an awkward business, my dear, your spending the autumn at South End instead of coming here.

-- She thought it in reality a sad exchange for herself, to have him with his grave looks and reluctant conversation opposed to her instead of his brother.



-- Here, in the quiet of Boldwood's parlour, where everything that was not grave was extraneous, and where the atmosphere was that of a Puritan Sunday lasting all the week, the letter and its dictum changed their tenor from the thoughtlessness of their origin to a deep solemnity, imbibed from their accessories now.

-- Indeed, he seemed to approach the grave as a hyperbolic curve approaches a straight line less directly as he got nearer, till it was doubtful if he would ever reach it at all.

-- All grave reports were forgotten.

-- "Meet him the day after to-morrow: God help me!Perhaps I shall be in my grave before then."

-- And so she's nailed up in parish boards after all, and nobody to pay the bell shilling and the grave half-crown."



-- Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?

-- This also was my doing!And my father's woe, and the desolation of that late so smiling home all was the work of my thrice-ac-cursed hands!Ye weep, unhappy ones, but these are not your last tears!Again shall you raise the funeral wail, and the sound of your lamentations shall again and again be heard!Frankenstein, your son, your kinsman, your early, much-loved friend; he who would spend each vital drop of blood for your sakes, who has no thought nor sense of joy except as it is mirrored also in your dear countenanc-es, who would fill the air with blessings and spend his life in serving you he bids you weep, to shed countless tears; happy beyond his hopes, if thus inexorable fate be satisfied, and if the destruction pause before the peace of the grave have succeeded to your sad torments!

-- The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation.



-- Abel was a shrewd, grave giant, illiterate, kind of heart, older than the other boys and with as good or bettermanners in the presence of ladies.

-- At least, everyone thought it was in the grave and expected her to actaccordingly.

-- She had to be grave and aloof.

-- Why, she was three times as attractive as Fanny and Maybelle!Oh, howunfair life was!How unfair that everyone should think her heart was in the grave when it wasn't at all!It was inVirginia with Ashley!








