leading是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 领导的, 指导的; 第一位的; 最主要的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Yet," said Mr. Pumblechook, leading the company gently back to the theme from which they had strayed, "Pork--regarded as biled--is rich, too; ain't it?"
-- When the fights were over, Biddy gave out the number of a page, and then we all read aloud what we could,--or what we couldn't--in a frightful chorus; Biddy leading with a high, shrill, monotonous voice, and none of us having the least notion of, or reverence for, what we were reading about.
-- We walked to town, my sister leading the way in a very large beaver bonnet, and carrying a basket like the Great Seal of England in plaited Straw, a pair of pattens, a spare shawl, and an umbrella, though it was a fine bright day.
-- "To think," said Mr. Pumblechook, after snorting admiration at me for some moments, "that I should have been the humble instrument of leading up to this, is a proud reward."
-- Here is a long passage- what an enormous perspective I make ofit!- leading from Peggotty's kitchen to the front-door.
-- Once more the little room, with its open 77corner cupboard, and its squarebacked chairs, and its angular littlestaircase leading to the room above, and its three peacock's feathersdisplayed over the mantelpiece- I remember wondering when Ifirst went in, what that peacock would have thought if he hadknown what his finery was doomed to come to- fades from beforeme, and I nod, and sleep.
-- 'David Copperfield,' said Mrs. Creakle, leading me to a sofa, andsitting down beside me.
-- Mrs. Micawber having now raised her voice into a perfect scream, I was so frightened that I ran off to the club-room, and disturbed Mr. Micawber in the act of presiding at a long table, and leading the chorus of 'Gee up, Dobbin, Gee ho, Dobbin, Gee up, Dobbin, Gee up, and gee ho- o- o!'
-- The unbroken stillness of the parlour-window leading me to infer,after a while, that she was not there, I lifted up my eyes to the 184window above it, where I saw a florid, pleasant-lookinggentleman, with a grey head, who shut up one eye in a grotesquemanner, nodded his head at me several times, shook it at me asoften, laughed, and went away.
-- Their road to this detached cottage was down Vicarage Lane, a lane leading at right angles from the broad, though irregular, main street of the place; and, as may be inferred, containing the blessed abode of Mr. Elton.
-- Still, however, though every thing had not been accom-plished by her ingenious device, she could not but flatter herself that it had been the occasion of much present en-joyment to both, and must be leading them forward to the great event.
-- 'Yes; all the advantages of sitting still when he ought to move, and of leading a life of mere idle pleasure, and fancy-ing himself extremely expert in finding excuses for it.
-- Here, she must be leading a life of privation and penance; there it would have been all enjoyment.
-- I really am ashamed of always leading the way.'
-- Lingering and musing here, he heard the steps of a horse at the foot of the hill, and soon there appeared in view an auburn pony with a girl on its back, ascending by the path leading past the cattle-shed.
-- A gravel walk leading from the door to the road in front was encrusted at the sides with more moss here it was a silver-green variety, the nut-brown of the gravel being visible to the width of only a foot or two in the centre.
-- Leading on a man you don't care for is not a praiseworthy action.
-- The last turning had brought them into the high road leading to Bath.
-- "Thanks for the compliment," said the sergeant gaily, taking Bathsheba by the hand and leading her to the top of the dance.
-- He stood on the blackened foundation stones of the burned building,looked down the long avenue of trees leading toward the road and swore lustily, with a joy too deep for thankfulprayer.
-- Theavenue of cedars leading from the main road to the house that avenue of cedars without which no Georgia planter'shome could be complete had a cool dark shadiness that gave a brighter tinge, by contrast, to the green of the othertrees.
-- Then feet shuffled up the back-porch stairs and into thepassageway leading to the main house, stopping in the hall just outside the dining room.
-- JohnWilkes always held his barbecues there, on the gentle slope leading down to the rose garden, a pleasant shady placeand a far pleasanter place, for instance, than that used by the Calverts.
-- Grinning negroes, excited as always at a party, were leading the animals to the barnyard to be unharnessed andunsaddled for the day.