leading是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 领导的, 指导的; 第一位的; 最主要的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Suddenly a man, in foreign garments: wonderfully real and distinct to look at: stood outside the window, with an axe stuck in his belt, and leading by the bridle an ass laden with wood.
-- It was famous, too, for the pillory, a wise old institution, that inflicted a punishment of which no one could foresee the extent; also, for the whipping-post, another dear old insti-tution, very humanising and softening to behold in action; also, for extensive transactions in blood-money, another fragment of ancestral wisdom, systematically leading to the most frightful mercenary crimes that could be committed under Heaven.
-- 'Here's a man of business a man of years a man of ex-perience IN a Bank,' said Stryver; 'and having summed up three leading reasons for complete success, he says there's no reason at all!Says it with his head on!'
-- 'So!But on other moonlight nights, when the sadness and the silence have touched me in a different way have af-fected me with something as like a sorrowful sense of peace, as any emotion that had pain for its foundations could I have imagined her as coming to me in my cell, and leading me out into the freedom beyond the fortress.
-- He did so, and the two patriots, leading his tired horse, turned and rode away without entering the city.
-- The wicket opened on a stone staircase, leading upward.
-- The bridge leading to Palace Square was not to be found; scarcely trusting his senses, the nocturnal wanderer discovered a shallow piece of water, and here fell in with two men who very comfort-ably were rocking to and fro in a boat.
-- He read the leading article, in which it was maintained that it was quite senseless in our day to raise an outcry that radicalism was threatening to swallow up all conservative elements, and that the government ought to take measures to crush the revolutionary hydra; that, on the contrary, "in our opinion the danger lies not in that fantastic revolutionary hydra, but in the obstinacy of traditionalism clogging progress," etc., etc.
-- Often Levin had admired this life, often he had a sense of envy of the men who led this life; but today for the first time, especially under the influence of what he had seen in the attitude of Ivan Parmenov to his young wife, the idea presented itself definitely to his mind that it was in his power to exchange the dreary, artificial, idle, and individualistic life he was leading for this laborious, pure, and socially delightful life.
-- He felt that he had penetrated more deeply than ever before into this intricate affair, and that he had originated a leading idea--he could say it without self-flattery--calculated to clear up the whole business, to strengthen him in his official career, to discomfit his enemies, and thereby to be of the greatest benefit to the government.
-- I'm not jealous: I believe you when you're here; but when you're away somewhere leading your life, so incomprehensible to me..." She turned away from him, pulled the hook at last out of the crochet work, and rapidly, with the help of her forefinger, began working loop after loop of the wool that was dazzling white in the lamplight, while the slender wrist moved swiftly, nervously in the embroidered cuff.
-- These were the two leading representatives of the Moscow intellectuals, as Oblonsky had called them.
-- Some Brahmins, clad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed.
-- The Parsee, leading the others, noiselessly crept through the wood, and in ten minutes they found themselves on the banks of a small stream, whence, by the light of the rosin torches, they perceived a pyre of wood, on the top of which lay the embalmed body of the rajah, which was to be burned with his wife.
-- On evenings when the Doc was away, Martin would acquire prestige among the trembling Gang by leading them into the unutterable darkness and scratching a sulfur match on the skeleton's jaw.
-- He knew that Duer was a tricky chemist, who neatly and swiftly completed the experiments demanded by the course and never ventured on original experiments which, leading him into a confused land of wondering, might bring him to glory or disaster.
-- Dean Silva was to be seen beseeching him, then leading him out of the room, with the assistance of two professors and a football tackle, and in the hush of a joyful horror Clif grunted to Martin: "Here's where I get mine!And the damn' fool promised to stay sober!"
-- He had buck teeth, and on his eye-glasses was a gold chain leading to a dainty hook behind his left ear.
-- The Onward March Magazine, which specialized in biographies of Men Who Have Made Good, had an account of Pickerbaugh among its sketches of the pastor who built his own, beautiful Neo- Gothic church out of tin cans, the lady who had in seven years kept 2,698 factory-girls from leading lives of shame, and the Oregon cobbler who had taught himself to read Sanskrit, Finnish, and Esperanto.
-- 'It's in the houses of spiteful old widows that one finds such cleanliness,' Raskolnikov thought again, and he stole a curious glance at the cotton curtain over the door leading into another tiny room, in which stood the old woman's bed and chest of drawers and into which he had never looked before.
-- Look-ing round, he noticed that he was standing close to a tavern which was entered by steps leading from the pavement to the basement.
-- 'Since then, sir,' he went on after a brief pause 'Since then, owing to an unfortunate occurrence and through in-formation given by evil- intentioned persons in all which Darya Frantsovna took a leading part on the pretext that she had been treated with want of respect since then my daughter Sofya Semyonovna has been forced to take a yel-low ticket, and owing to that she is unable to go on living with us.
-- The door leading to the other rooms, or rather cupboards, into which Amalia Lippevechsel's flat was divided stood half open, and there was shouting, uproar and laughter within.
-- The staircase leading to the old woman's room was close by, just on the right of the gateway.