slightly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 稍微, 有点,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'Through mine,' said Dick, slightly confused.
-- On the dull pallor of that face the most striking feature was the black, sparkling eyes, somewhat swollen, but very bright eyes, one of which slightly squinted.
-- Notwithstanding the unnatural whiteness and fullness of her face, this pleasant peculiarity was in the face, in the lips, in the slightly squinting eyes, and, principally, in the naive, smiling glance, and in the expression of submissiveness not only in the face, but in the whole figure.
-- "No, we will stay here, Dmitri Ivanovich," answered Katiousha, laboriously, as though after hard, pleasant exertion, breathing with her full breast and looking straight in his eyes, with her submissive, chaste, loving and slightly squinting eyes.
-- "The merchant was already in ecstasy," slightly smiling, said Kitaeva, "and he continued to drink and treat himself, but as he was short of money he sent to his room this same Liubasha, for whom he acquired a predilection," she said, looking at Maslova.
-- When the word was given him, he rose slowly, displaying his elegant figure, and, placing both hands on the desk, and slightly bending his head, he cast a glance around the court-room, his eyes avoiding the prisoners.
-- All round me were little ripples, combing over with a sharp, bristling sound and slightly phosphorescent.
-- I noticed that its iron plates, slightly overlaying each other, resembled the shell which clothes the bodies of our large terrestrial reptiles.
-- "When you like "I cast a last look upon the sea, slightly yellowed by the Japanese coast, and descended to the saloon.
-- answered Captain Nemo, slightly shrugging his shoulders.
-- There were also some panopyres, slightly luminous; and lastly, some oculines, like magnificent fans, forming one of the richest vegetations of these seas.
-- In the midst of these living plants, and under the arbours of the hydrophytes, were layers of clumsy articulates, particularly some raninae, whose carapace formed a slightly rounded triangle; and some horrible looking parthenopes.
-- Gudrun was slightly taken aback.
-- Again Gudrun paused, slightly irritated.
-- cried Ursula, looking slightly dazzled and falsified, and as if she did not know.
-- Therefore the young man, slightly too dictatorial, directed the guests to their places.
-- Hermione was biting a piece of bread, pulling it from between her teeth with her fingers, in a slow, slightly derisive movement.
-- The long light hair curled slightly on the temples; the eyes were large and serious; the figure almost too graceful.