slightly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 稍微, 有点,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Stranger still, Hippolyte and the 'son of Pavlicheff' also seemed slightly surprised, and Lebedeff's nephew was obviously far from pleased.
-- 'Though I am a woman, I should certainly not run away for anything,' said Aglaya, in a slightly pained voice.
-- The maidens wore robes of light linen, and the youths well woven shirts that were slightly oiled.
-- Mr. Bunting flushed slightly and brought his face nearer, apparently finding some difficulty with his glasses.
-- He put his fingers to his slightly bruised neck.
-- And if you put a sheet of common white glass in water, still more if you put it in some denser liquid than water, it would vanish almost altogether, because light passing from water to glass is only slightly refracted or reflected or indeed affected in any way.
-- He raised his eyebrows slightly at that.
-- I followed him, and found myself in a small apartment, plainly but not uncomfortably furnished and with its inner door, which was slightly ajar, opening into a paved courtyard.
-- Montcalm, in his turn, slightly bowed, but it was with the air of a man too practised to remember the language of flattery.
-- A few fragments of rafters were reared against a blackened wall; and when Uncas had covered them slightly with brush, the temporary accommo- dations were deemed sufficient.
-- And this news was slightly disconcerting to me personally, because I had written from the country to Mrs. Strickland, announcing my return, and had added that unless I heard from her to the contrary, I would come on a certain day to drink a dish of tea with her.
-- If you will be so good as to turn your head slightly to the left, you will see the door.
-- I was slightly vexed.
-- She looked away and slightly coloured.
-- I suppose it was commonplace in me that I felt slightly outraged at his lack of spirit.
-- The clouds were slightly raised, and the wind, though less damp, was very sharp and cold.
-- The engineer, revived by this rude shampooing, moved his arm slightly and began to breathe more regularly.
-- He recognized Neb and Spilett, then his other two companions, and his hand slightly pressed theirs.
-- "Well, Pencroft," said Neb, in a slightly sarcastic tone, "if this is all the game whic h you promised to bring back to my master, it won't need a large fire to roast it!"
-- On the first cone rested a second, slightly rounded, and placed a little on one side, like a great round hat cocked over the ear.
-- His fair enemies tossed their heads slightly as they sought their respective bonnets and shawls, but left all verbal contention to Mrs Jiniwin, who finding herself in the position of champion, made a faint struggle to sustain the character.
-- Her thoughts were not idle while she was thus employed; when she returned and was seated beside the old man in one corner of the tent, tying her flowers together, while the two men lay dozing in another corner, she plucked him by the sleeve, and slightly glancing towards them, said, in a low voice 'Grandfather, don't look at those I talk of, and don't seem as if I spoke of anything but what I am about.
-- He looked at them kindly but seemed disappointed too, and slightly shook his head.
-- Who will wonder that Barbara had a headache, or that Barbara's mother was disposed to be cross, or that she slightly underrated Astley's, and thought the clown was older than they had taken him to be last night?