slightly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 稍微, 有点,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The stranger bowed slightly in return, and said a few words that neither Glenarvan nor the Major could understand.
-- The plains which lay at the foot of the Australian Alps were level, but slightly inclined toward the east.
-- Glenarvan was slightly wounded, but could stand up.
-- The direction was slightly changed, but the breeze fell gradually, and it was two hours before they reached the boat.
-- Neither wagon nor horses could have passed where travelers passed, so that their Australian vehicle was but slightly regretted.
-- The wearer of this cloak was a young fellow, also of about twenty-six or twenty-seven years of age, slightly above the middle height, very fair, with a thin, pointed and very light coloured beard; his eyes were large and blue, and had an in-tent look about them, yet that heavy expression which some people affirm to be a peculiarity.
-- She was a fine woman of the same age as her husband, with a slightly hooked nose, a high, narrow forehead, thick hair turning a little grey, and a sallow complexion.
-- asked the prince, slightly surprised.
-- 'And candles,' replied Mrs. Corney, slightly returning the pressure.
-- 'You doubt me,' cried Jane, slightly colouring; 'indeed, you have no reason.
-- Her heart had been but slightly touched, and her van-ity was satisfied with believing that SHE would have been his only choice, had fortune permitted it.
-- Every park has its beauty and its prospects; and Elizabeth saw much to be pleased with, though she could not be in such raptures as Mr. Collins ex-pected the scene to inspire, and was but slightly affected by his enumeration of the windows in front of the house, and his relation of what the glazing altogether had originally cost Sir Lewis de Bourgh.
-- Elizabeth, after slightly surveying it, went to awindow to enjoy its prospect.
-- They had so well aimed their shot at the men they knew, that one of them was killed on the spot, and the other very much wounded; but not being dead, he started up on his feet, and called eagerly for help to the other; but the captain stepping to him, told him it was too late to cry for help, he should call upon God to forgive his villainy, and with that word knocked him down with the stock of his musket, so that he never spoke more; there were three more in the com-pany, and one of them was slightly wounded.
-- He entered the room with a look of self-consequence, slightly bowed to the ladies, without speaking a word, and, after briefly surveying them and their apartments, took up a newspaper from the table, and continued to read it as long as he staid.
-- Her love made no answer; and after slightly bowing to the ladies, began complaining of the weather.
-- But unfortunately in bestowing these embraces, a pin in her ladyship's head dress slightly scratching the child's neck, produced from this pattern of gentleness such violent screams, as could hardly be outdone by any creature professedly noisy.
-- She could therefore only LOOK her tenderness, and after slightly addressing him, said no more.
-- At her suggestion of going to the theatre, the unspoken shade of disapproval to the doing of those things which involved the expenditure of money--shades of feeling which arose in the mind of Hanson and then in Minnie-- slightly affected the atmosphere of the table.
-- "I don't know," said Hanson, and went over to the baby, his forehead slightly wrinkled.
-- These were slightly more even than common, and gave her a sweet, reserved, and pleasing appearance.
-- Once in the sunlit street, with labourers tramping by in either direction, the horse-cars passing crowded to the rails with the small clerks and floor help in the great wholesale houses, and men and women generally coming out of doors and passing about the neighbourhood, Carrie felt slightly reassured.
-- She twisted and turned from one position to another slightly different, but it did not ease her for long.
-- At the sight of that bag, Pinocchio felt slightly happier and thought to himself: "My friend must be suffering from the same sickness that I am!I wonder if he, too, has donkey fever?"