
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:17


space是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 间隔; 空地, 余地; 空间v. 留间隔, 隔开,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Two hours!But it was impossible for a boat—a six-oared one—to come and go in a shorter space of time.

-- "Now," went on Paganel, "in all this immense space between this large island and the American coast, there is only one solitary barren little island crossed by the 37th parallel."

-- John Mangles exercised all his ingenuity in furnishing the small space with everything that the two ladies could possibly require, and he succeeded so well, that neither Lady Helena nor Mary had much reason to regret leaving their cosy cabins on board the DUNCAN.

-- It occupied a long wide space of five leagues in extent, lying between the Buffalo Ranges and Mount Hottam.

-- "We will manage with such space as may be left at their disposal."



-- The dog's jaw, as shown in the space between these marks, is too broad in my opinion for a terrier and not broad enough for a mastiff.

-- 'Now, for some space the revellers stood agape, unable to understand all that had been done in such haste.

-- Now, it opened into a broad space in which stood two of those great stones, still to be seen there, which were set by certain forgotten peoples in the days of old.

-- It opened upon the grassy space which lay in front of the hall door.

-- We found a short valley between rug-ged tors which led to an open, grassy space flecked over with the white cotton grass.



-- 'It is quite clear that he did not eat them all at once, but in a space of fifteen or twenty years: from that point of view the thing is comprehensible and natural...' 'Natural?'

-- He wandered about the park, looking absently around him, and paused in astonishment when he sudden-ly found himself in the empty space with the rows of chairs round it, near the Vauxhall.



-- They backed their chariots toward the ranks, got out of them, and put off their armour, laying it down upon the ground; and the hosts were near to one another with a little space between them.

-- When they reached the ranks of the Trojans and Achaeans they left the chariot, and with measured pace advanced into the space between the hosts.

-- Then Glaucus son of Hippolochus, and the son of Tydeus went into the open space between the hosts to fight in single combat.

-- Thus did they converse; but the whole space enclosed by the ditch, from the ships even to the wall, was filled with horses and warriors, who were pent up there by Hector son of Priam, now that the hand of Jove was with him.

-- Then Hector led the Trojans back from the ships, and held a council on the open space near the river, where there was a spot clear of corpses.



-- Once or twice a curious listener might have heard him at the coals, and for the space of five minutes he was audible pacing the room.

-- Forthwith everyone all down the street, the sweetstuff seller, cocoanut shy proprietor and his assistant, the swing man, little boys and girls, rustic dandies, smart wenches, smocked elders and aproned gipsies began running towards the inn, and in a miraculously short space of time a crowd of perhaps forty people, and rapidly increasing, swayed and hooted and inquired and exclaimed and suggested, in front of Mrs. Hall's establishment.

-- For a space people stood amazed and gesticulating, and then came panic, and scattered them abroad through the village as a gust scatters dead leaves.

-- "If this don't beat cock-fighting!Most remarkable! And there I can see a rabbit clean through you, 'arf a mile away!Not a bit of you visible except " He scrutinised the apparently empty space keenly.

-- For a space Griffin sat silent, and then he resumed abruptly: "I had left the Chesilstowe cottage already," he said, "when that happened.



-- Space and a lack of culinary room in the mission-house, compelled an arrangement which permitted of only twenty-five or thirty eating at one time, so that a line had to be formed outside and an orderly entrance effected.



-- With these words he spread out his wings and, darting to the open window, he flew away into space till he was out of sight.








