space是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 间隔; 空地, 余地; 空间v. 留间隔, 隔开,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The space interposed between myself and them partook of that expansion, and our marshes were any distance off.
-- At last, when we got to his place of business and he pulled out his key from his coat-collar, he looked as unconscious of his Walworth property as if the Castle and the drawbridge and the arbor and the lake and the fountain and the Aged, had all been blown into space together by the last discharge of the Stinger.
-- There was a clear space of a few feet between the table and the opposite wall.
-- When any young man came within a hun-dred paces of her castle, he became quite fixed, and could not move a step till she came and set him free; which she would not do till he had given her his word never to come there again: but when any pretty maiden came within that space she was changed into a bird, and the fairy put her into a cage, and hung her up in a chamber in the castle.
-- Though he made the best of his bad luck, he did not like his quarters at all; and the worst of it was, that more and more hay was always coming down, and the space left for him became smaller and smaller.
-- Then the other answered, as if very unwillingly, 'A little space I may allow thee to sit here, if thou wilt reward me well and entreat me kindly; but thou must tarry yet an hour below, till I have learnt some little matters that are yet unknown to me.'
-- After the space of four years, at the time agreed upon, the four brothers met at the four cross-roads; and having wel-comed each other, set off towards their father's home, where they told him all that had happened to them, and how each had learned some craft.
-- I had his majesty's permission to step over this wall; and, the space being so wide between that and the palace, I could easily view it on every side.
-- When I came to the side of the outer court, I stood upon one stool, and took the other in my hand; this I lifted over the roof, and gently set it down on the space between the first and second court, which was eight feet wide.
-- They were in all not above twenty-five thousand foot, and six thousand horse; but it was impossible for me to compute their number, considering the space of ground they took up.
-- I found no effect from all I could do, but plainly per-ceived my closet to be moved along; and in the space of an hour, or better, that side of the box where the staples were, and had no windows, struck against something that was hard.
-- They have likewise discovered two lesser stars, or satellites, which revolve about Mars; whereof the innermost is distant from the centre of the primary planet exactly three of his diameters, and the outermost, five; the former revolves in the space of ten hours, and the latter in twenty-one and a half; so that the squares of their periodical times are very near in the same proportion with the cubes of their dis-tance from the centre of Mars; which evidently shows them to be governed by the same law of gravitation that influenc-es the other heavenly bodies.
-- A space of stunted grass and dry rubbish being between him and the young rabble, he took his eyeglass out of his waistcoat to look for any child he knew by name, and might order off.
-- She knew what results in work a given number of them would produce in a given space of time.
-- Engines at pits' mouths, and lean old horses that had worn the circle of their daily labour into the ground, were alike quiet; wheels had ceased for a short space to turn; and the great wheel of earth seemed to revolve without the shocks and noises of another time.
-- The two shores appeared to separate more and more, leaving a wide and open space for our departure.
-- At last, by a violent and almost superhuman effort, I tear it away just as the ball which is still executing its gyratory motions is about to run round it and drag me with it--if-Oh, what intense stupendous light!The globe of fire bursts--we are enveloped in cascades of living fire, which flood the space around with luminous matter.
-- Nevertheless, it was impossible not to admit that these fissures must now be nearly choked up, for if not, the cavern, or rather the immense and stupendous reservoir, would have been completely filled in a short space of time.
-- I had the greatest mind to reveal all to my uncle, to explain to him the extraordinary and wretched position to which we were reduced, in order that, between the two, we might make a calculation as to the exact space of time which remained for us to live.
-- 'Perhaps she'll float off into space altogether,' said Dukes.
-- Its tiny cleared space was lush and cold and dismal.
-- It was true, there seemed a ghost-glimmer of greyness in the open space of the park.
-- He led her through the wall of prickly trees, that were difficult to come through, to a place where was a little space and a pile of dead boughs.
-- The first half of that space of her life was only just accomplished, when her pitiful and plaintive look saw her father a widower.