fashion是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 流行式样(或货品) , 风尚, 风气; 样子, 方式,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It took four men, all four ablaze with gorgeous dec-oration, and the Chief of them unable to exist with fewer than two gold watches in his pocket, emulative of the no-ble and chaste fashion set by Monseigneur, to conduct the happy chocolate to Monseigneur's lips.
-- The fashion of the last Louis but one, of the line that was never to break the four-teenth Louis was conspicuous in their rich furniture; but, it was diversified by many objects that were illustrations of old pages in the history of France.
-- 'You are good enough to say so, as a fashion of speech; but, I don't mean any fashion of speech.
-- 'Fashion of speech again!But, Mr. Darnay, oblivion is not so easy to me, as you represent it to be to you.
-- The English fashion of the complete independence of girls was also not accepted, and not possible in Russian society.
-- The Russian fashion of match-making by the offices if intermediate persons was for some reason considered unseemly; it was ridiculed by every one, and by the princess herself.
-- It's a foolish old fashion that's kept up still," said Vronsky.
-- "I know," he thought, "that fashion not only in him, but in all city people, who, after being twice in ten years in the country, pick up two or three phrases and use them in season and out of season, firmly persuaded that they know all about it.
-- Karenin himself had followed the Petersburg fashion for a dinner with ladies and was wearing evening dress and a white tie.
-- A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the Red Sea.
-- Attired after the fashion of the Middle Ages, they bore upon their shoulders a splendid pair of wings; but what especially distinguished them was the long noses which were fastened to their faces, and the uses which they made of them.
-- They even began to come into the room; at last a sinister shrill outcry was heard: this came from Amalia Lippevechsel herself push-ing her way amongst them and trying to restore order after her own fashion and for the hundredth time to frighten the poor woman by ordering her with coarse abuse to clear out of the room next day.
-- That's a way of going on!And she dressed up like a regular fashion book!'
-- 'And what is a fashion book?'
-- 'A fashion book is a lot of pictures, coloured, and they come to the tailors here every Saturday, by post from abroad, to show folks how to dress, the male sex as well as the female.
-- He was one of the numerous and varied legion of dullards, of half-an-imate abortions, conceited, half-educated coxcombs, who attach themselves to the idea most in fashion only to vul-garise it and who caricature every cause they serve, however sincerely.
-- He loved to have the cloth laid, because it had been the fashion of his youth, but his conviction of suppers being very unwholesome made him rather sorry to see any thing put on it; and while his hospitality would have welcomed his visitors to every thing, his care for their health made him grieve that they would eat.
-- ' Ford's was the principal woollen-draper, linen-draper, and haberdash-er's shop united; the shop first in size and fashion in the place. 'And so, there she had set, without an idea of any thing in the world, full ten minutes, perhaps when, all of a sudden, who should come in to be sure it was so very odd! but they always dealt at Ford's who should come in, but Elizabeth Martin and her brother! Dear Miss Woodhouse!only think.
-- She felt all the honest pride and complacency which her alliance with the present and future proprietor could fair-ly warrant, as she viewed the respectable size and style of the building, its suitable, becoming, characteristic situa-tion, low and sheltered its ample gardens stretching down to meadows washed by a stream, of which the Abbey, with all the old neglect of prospect, had scarcely a sight and its abundance of timber in rows and avenues, which neither fashion nor extravagance had rooted up. The house was larger than Hartfield, and totally unlike it, covering a good deal of ground, rambling and irregular, with many com-436 Emmafortable, and one or two handsome rooms. It was just what it ought to be, and it looked what it was and Emma felt an increasing respect for it, as the residence of a family of such true gentility, untainted in blood and understanding. Some faults of temper John Knightley had; but Isabella had connected herself unexceptionably.
-- Lively voices were heard this morning in the upper rooms, the main staircase to which was of hard oak, the balusters, heavy as bed-posts, being turned and moulded in the quaint fashion of their century, the handrail as stout as a parapet-top, and the stairs themselves continually twisting round like a person trying to look over his shoulder.
-- Joseph Poorgrass was curled round in the fashion of a hedge-hog, apparently in attempts to present the least possible portion of his surface to the air; and behind him was dimly visible an unimportant remnant of William Smallbury.
-- He was so lucky as to light upon some one who did not laugh at his ignorance, a fatal defect among the gilded and insolent youth of that period; the coterie of Maulincourts, Maximes de Trailles, de Marsays, Ronquerolles, Ajuda-Pintos, and Vandenesses who shone there in all the glory of coxcombry among the best-dressed women of fashion in Paris--Lady Brandon, the Duchesse de Langeais, the Comtesse de Kergarouet, Mme.
-- I believe that in Paris it is very difficult to meet with a young, beautiful, and wealthy woman of fashion who would be willing to teach me, what you women can explain so well--life.
-- The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports had tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks, whalebonestays, colognes, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear.