grateful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. (to, for) 感激的; 感谢的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Filling it with water, he retired a short distance, to a place where the ground was more firm and dry; here he coolly seated himself, and after taking a long, and, apparently, a grateful draught, he com-menced a very strict examination of the fragments of food left by the Hurons, which had hung in a wallet on his arm.
-- Heyward, perceiving that their guides now set about their repast in sober earnest, assisted the ladies to alight, and placed himself at their side, not unwilling to enjoy a few moments of grateful rest, after the bloody scene he had just gone through.
-- When this necessary, and, happily, grateful duty had been performed, each of the foresters stooped and took a long and parting draught at that solitary and silent spring*, around which and its sister fountains, within fifty years, the wealth, beauty and talents of a hemisphere were to assemble in throngs, in pursuit of health and pleasure.
-- Because I did not laugh at him he was grateful to me, and he used to pour into my sympathetic ear the long list of his troubles.
-- I'm grateful for all the happiness you gave me in the past."
-- This is what I wrote:DEAR MRS. STROEVE, Dirk wishes me to tell you that if at any time you want him he will be grateful for the opportunity of being of service to you.
-- How grateful the inhabitants of Granite House then were to Heaven for having prepared for them this solid and immovable retreat!Cyrus Harding had also his legitimate share of thanks, but after all, it was Nature who had hollowed out this vast cavern, and he had only discovered it.
-- I really felt ashamed to take advantage of the ingenuousness or grateful feeling of the child for the purpose of gratifying my curiosity.
-- I entertained a grateful feeling towards the boy from that minute, for I felt that he was the comedy of the child's life.
-- 'Grateful soul!'
-- 'Speaking seriously though, Kit,' said his mother, taking up the theme afresh, after a time, 'for of course I was only in joke just now, it's very good and thoughtful, and like you, to do this, and never let anybody know it, though some day I hope she may come to know it, for I'm sure she would be very grateful to you and feel it very much.
-- Her own little room too, where she had so often knelt down and prayed at night prayed for the time which she hoped was dawning now the little room where she had slept so peacefully, and dreamed such pleasant dreams!It was hard not to be able to glance round it once more, and to be forced to leave it without one kind look or grateful tear.
-- We are much satisfied with our late mistress--may she enjoy eternal life!--and we are grateful to the young Prince for thinking of us," began a red-haired peasant with a gift of gab.
-- We're all humbly grateful for your kindness, and as you see, puts faith in you and takes the drugs down like that much grog.
-- Lovely, grateful silence seemed to trail behind the receding train.
-- They were grateful to those others, the pioneers, the new owners, who had opened out the pits, and let forth this stream of plenty.
-- I should be very grateful if you would liberate me as soon as possible, without waiting for the expiration of the month's notice.'
-- He was glad and grateful like a delirium, as he felt his own wholeness come over him again, as he felt the full, unutterable sleep coming over him, the sleep of complete exhaustion and restoration.
-- He went quickly along towards Shortlands, in a grateful self-sufficiency.