
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


grateful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. (to, for) 感激的; 感谢的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Miss Woodhouse was so great a personage in Highbury, that the prospect of the introduction had given as much panic as pleasure; but the humble, grateful little girl went off with highly gratified feelings, delighted with the affability with which Miss Woodhouse had treated her all the evening, and actually shaken hands with her at last!

-- Harriet certainly was not clever, but she had a sweet, docile, grateful disposition, was totally free from conceit, and only desiring to be guided by any one she looked up to.

-- This was a pleasure which perhaps the whole day's visit might not afford, which certainly did not belong to the pres-ent half-hour; but the very sight of Mrs. Weston, her smile, her touch, her voice was grateful to Emma, and she deter-mined to think as little as possible of Mr. Elton's oddities, or of any thing else unpleasant, and enjoy all that was enjoy-able to the utmost.



-- "I'm sorry to have made you run so fast, my dear," he said, with a grateful sense of favours to come.

-- "I suppose I must thank you for that, Sergeant Troy," said the Queen of the Corn-market, in an indifferently grateful tone.

-- Immediately after the incident in the tent, she had risen to go now absolutely alarmed and really grateful for her old lover's protection though regretting Gabriel's absence, whose company she would have much preferred, as being more proper as well as more pleasant, since he was her own managing-man and servant.



-- This benefit was fully repaid; Jus-tine was the most grateful little creature in the world: I do not mean that she made any professions; I never heard one pass her lips, but you could see by her eyes that she almost adored her protectress.



-- "We must all give grateful thanks to the charming ladies whose indefatigable and patriotic efforts have made thisbazaar not only a pecuniary success," he began, "but have transformed this rough hall into a bower of loveliness, a fitgarden for the charming rosebuds I see about me."

-- "If you are going to talk vilely I shall go into the house," she cried, grateful that the shadows hid her crimson face.



-- "Besides," said Mr. Pumblechook, turning sharp on me, "think what you've got to be grateful for.

-- "Now," said Mrs. Joe, unwrapping herself with haste and excitement, and throwing her bonnet back on her shoulders where it hung by the strings, "if this boy ain't grateful this night, he never will be!"

-- I looked as grateful as any boy possibly could, who was wholly uninformed why he ought to assume that expression.

-- I was then delivered over to Mr. Pumblechook, who formally received me as if he were the Sheriff, and who let off upon me the speech that I knew he had been dying to make all along: "Boy, be forever grateful to all friends, but especially unto them which brought you up by hand!"

-- Hold up your head, boy, and be forever grateful unto them which so did do.



-- The ant-king had come in the night with thou-sands and thousands of ants, and the grateful creatures had by great industry picked up all the millet-seed and gathered them into the sacks.



-- 'Thank you, sir, very much,' said Sissy, with a grateful curtsey.

-- She was too sprightly to allow of their walking at a slow pace on her account, but she was very grateful to be talked to, and very willing to talk to any extent: so, when they came to their part of the town, she was more brisk and vivacious than ever.

-- But, I say we are all liable to mistakes and I should feel sensible of your delicacy, and grateful for it, if you would spare me these references to Harthouse.

-- He raised his eyes to where she stood, like a good fairy in his house, and said in a tone of softened gratitude and grateful kindness, 'It is always you, my child!'



-- Michaelis had the ear of a few million people, probably; and, being a hopeless outsider, he would no doubt be grateful to be asked down to Wragby at this juncture, when the rest of the smart world was cutting him.

-- On the contrary, he was burningly, poignantly grateful for a piece of natu-ral, spontaneous kindness: almost to tears.



-- 'And what I was going to tell you, sir,' said Little Dorrit, trembling in all her little figure and in her voice, 'is, that I am not to know whose generosity released him am never to ask, and am never to be told, and am never to thank that gentleman with all my grateful heart!'

-- Say, with my grateful regard, that you left me so, or I would have come.'

-- You are a grateful girl too, or I much mistake you.'






