exact是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 确切的, 正确的, 精确的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Then we might have found out the road they had come by taking the exact latitude and longitude, and studying the atmospheric and submarine currents; but with such a postman as a shark, that goes against wind and tide, there's no clew whatever to the starting-point."
-- The captain examined the document carefully, and said:"Well, here's the date of the occurrence first: 7 Juni means June 7; and if we put that before the figures 62 we have in the other document, it gives us the exact date, 7th of June, 1862."
-- "But we can't get everything, my dear Major; and it is something at all events, to have the exact latitude.
-- The exact length of the straits is 372 miles.
-- However, it was not time yet to lose hope altogether, for they had not reached the exact point indicated by the document.
-- 'I think, Dr. Mortimer, you would do wisely if without more ado you would kindly tell me plainly what the exact nature of the problem is in which you demand my assistance.'
-- 'The exact date is 1742.'
-- 'That is the exact situation.
-- When the general asked me, in his study, to write something for him, to show my handwriting, I wrote 'The Abbot Pafnute signed this,' in the exact handwriting of the abbot.
-- Forgive me if I do not use her exact ex-pressions.
-- I think we may say without fear of de-ceiving ourselves, that you have now given a fairly exact account of your life.
-- 'It is hardly an exact statement of the case,' said the prince in reply.
-- Only at this moment, when she suddenly made her appearance before him, did he realize to the full the exact emotion which she called up in him, and which he had not described correctly to Rogojin.
-- Then I followed and stood up, al-most in the exact spot where I had been when I had heard Moreau and his staghound pursuing me.
-- Having by this time recovered a little breath, the worthy book-stall keeper proceeded to relate, in a more coherent manner the exact circumstances of the robbery.
-- Having gone through this very extraordinary performance, he took off the cocked hat again, and, spreading himself before the fire with his back towards it, seemed to be mentally engaged in taking an exact inventory of the furniture.
-- Mr. Bumble had re-counted the teaspoons, re-weighed the sugar-tongs, made a closer inspection of the milk-pot, and ascertained to a nicety the exact condition of the furniture, down to the very horse-hair seats of the chairs; and had repeated each process full half a dozen times; before he began to think that it was time for Mrs. Corney to return.
-- Above all, I think' said the lady, fixing her eyes on her son's face, 'that if an enthusiastic, ardent, and ambitious man marry a wife on whose name there is a stain, which, though it originate in no fault of hers, may be visited by cold and sordid people upon her, and upon his children also: and, in exact proportion to his success in the world, be cast in his teeth, and made the subject of sneers against him: he may, no matter how generous and good his nature, one day repent of the connection he formed in early life.
-- If a crowd of ghosts were to put themselves into his exact shape, and he stood amongst them, there is something that would tell me how to point him out.
-- She knew not the exact de-gree of his affection for his aunt, or his dependence on her judgment, but it was natural to suppose that he thought much higher of her ladyship than SHE could do; and it was certain that, in enumerating the miseries of a marriage with ONE, whose immediate connections were so unequal to his own, his aunt would address him on his weakest side.
-- As he was charitable in this proposal, so he was just in the performance to a tittle; for he ordered the seamen that none should touch anything that I had: then he took every-thing into his own possession, and gave me back an exact inventory of them, that I might have them, even to my three earthen jars.
-- It cost me near three months more to clear the inside, and work it out so as to make an exact boat of it; this I did, indeed, without fire, by mere mallet and chisel, and by the dint of hard labour, till I had brought it to be a very handsome periagua, and big enough to have carried six-and-twenty men, and conse-quently big enough to have carried me and all my cargo.
-- They went away with a fair gale on the day that the moon was at full, by my account in the month of October; but as for an exact reckoning of days, after I had once lost it I could never recover it again; nor had I kept even the number of years so punctually as to be sure I was right; though, as it proved when I afterwards examined my account, I found I had kept a true reckoning of years.
-- Nay, more, I consider it as the only form of building in which happiness is attainable, and were I rich enough I would instantly pull Combe down, and build it up again in the exact plan of this cottage."