exact是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 确切的, 正确的, 精确的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- By which the reader may con-ceive an idea of the ingenuity of that people, as well as the prudent and exact economy of so great a prince.
-- The city is an exact square, each side of the wall being five hundred feet long.
-- M'Choakumchild reported that she had a very dense head for figures; that, once possessed with a general idea of the globe, she took the smallest conceivable interest in its exact measurements; that she was extremely slow in the acquisition of dates, unless some pitiful incident happened to be connected therewith; that she would burst into tears on being required (by the mental process) immediately to name the cost of two hundred and forty-seven muslin caps at fourteen-pence halfpenny; that she was as low down, in the school, as low could be; that after eight weeks of induction into the elements of Political Economy, she had only yesterday been set right by a prattler three feet high, for returning to the question, 'What is the first principle of this science?'
-- You have not acquired, under Mr. and Mrs. M'Choakumchild, anything like that amount of exact knowledge which I looked for.
-- Well!If your training in the science of arriving at exact results had been more successful, you would have been wiser on these points.
-- In that charmed apartment, the most complicated social questions were cast up, got into exact totals, and finally settled if those concerned could only have been brought to know it.
-- I say, equal terms, because although I know what I am, and the exact depth of the gutter I have lifted myself out of, better than any man does, I am as proud as you are.
-- The lines shown here are an exact facsimile of what was written on the venerable piece of parchment--and have wonderful importance, as they induced my uncle to undertake the most wonderful series of adventures which ever fell to the lot of human beings.
-- He is careful therefore to point the exact one which is the highway into the Interior of the Earth.
-- Too hot by half, if the degree of heat was to ascend so high--in which case we should certainly be cooked--not enough, if we wanted to ascertain the exact temperature of springs or metal in a state of fusion.
-- To make up the exact list of our traveling gear--for the guidance of future travelers--add, that we carried a medicine and surgical chest with all apparatus necessary for wounds, fractures and blows; lint, scissors, lancets--in fact, a perfect collection of horrible looking instruments; a number of vials containing ammonia, alcohol, ether, Goulard water, aromatic vinegar, in fact, every possible and impossible drug--finally, all the materials for working the Ruhmkorff coil!
-- As for discovering the exact depth to which we had attained, nothing could be easier.
-- She wrote to Mrs Bolton for exact information.
-- Captain Martin (highly respected in the army) then unhesitatingly said that it appeared to him that his hem! sister was not called upon to understand the young man too distinctly, and that she might lead him on I am doubtful whether "lead him on" was Captain Martin's exact expression: indeed I think he said tolerate him on her father's I should say, brother's account.
-- Knowing, however, what was expected of her, and perceiving the exact nature of the fiction to be nursed, she took it delicately in her arms, and put her required contribution of gloss upon it.
-- But he had spoken to her alone, and had said that people ha people in an exalted position, my dear, must scrupulously exact respect from their dependents; and that for her, his daughter, Miss Amy Dorrit, of the sole remaining branch of the Dorrits of Dorsetshire, to be known to hum to occupy herself in fulfilling the functions of ha hum a valet, would be incompatible with that respect.
-- 'If it's a compact, I recommend that party to be exact in it.
-- This, with exact particulars of time and locality, and with a good detailed description of the foreign gentleman who had so mysteriously vanished, Mr Dorrit read at large.
-- She meant 'facinating', but as Grace didn't know the exact meaning of either word, fastidious sounded well and made a good im-pression.
-- His own person was the exact embodiment of his utilitarian character.
-- But at this question, Queequeg, who had twice or thrice before taken part in similar ceremonies, looked no ways abashed; but taking the offered pen, copied upon the paper, in the proper place, an exact counterpart of a queer round figure which was tattooed upon his arm; so that through Captain Peleg's obstinate mistake touching his appellative, it stood something like this: Quohog.
-- Those books are Beale's and Bennett's; both in their time surgeons to English South-Sea whale-ships, and both exact and reliable men.
-- **The following are extracts from Chace's narrative: "Every fact seemed to warrant me in concluding that it was anything but chance which directed his operations; he made two several attacks upon the ship, at a short interval between them, both of which, according to their direction, were calculated to do us the most injury, by being made ahead, and thereby combining the speed of the two objects for the shock; to effect which, the exact man脜聯uvres which he made were necessary.
-- Dough-Boy hurried below, glanced at the watch, and reported the exact minute to Ahab.