exact是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 确切的, 正确的, 精确的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The pecuniarymeans of meeting our expenses, kept down to the utmost farthing,are obtained from him with great difficulty, and even under fearfulthreats that he will Settle himself (the exact expression); and heinexorably refuses to give any explanation whatever of thisdistracting policy.
-- Mr. Peggotty suggesting to me, in a whisper, what had alreadyoccurred to myself, I took out my purse; but I could not prevailupon her to accept any money, nor could I exact any promise fromher that she would do so at another time.
-- Every body must be aware that Miss Taylor must be missed, but every body ought also to be assured that Mr. and Mrs. Weston do really prevent our missing her by any means to the extent we ourselves anticipated which is the exact truth.'
-- It was so long since Emma had been at the Abbey, that as soon as she was satisfied of her father's comfort, she was glad to leave him, and look around her; eager to refresh and correct her memory with more particular observation, more exact understanding of a house and grounds which must ever be so interesting to her and all her family.
-- While he spoke, Emma's mind was most busy, and, with all the wonderful velocity of thought, had been able and yet without losing a word to catch and comprehend the exact truth of the whole; to see that Harriet's hopes had been entirely groundless, a mistake, a delusion, as complete a delusion as any of her own that Harriet was nothing; that she was every thing herself; that what she had been say-ing relative to Harriet had been all taken as the language of her own feelings; and that her agitation, her doubts, her reluctance, her discouragement, had been all received as discouragement from herself. And not only was there time for these convictions, with all their glow of attendant happiness; there was time also to rejoice that Harriet's se-cret had not escaped her, and to resolve that it need not, and should not. It was all the service she could now render her poor friend; for as to any of that heroism of sentiment which might have prompted her to entreat him to transfer his affection from herself to Harriet, as infinitely the most worthy of the two or even the more simple sublimity of resolving to refuse him at once and for ever, without vouch-safing any motive, because he could not marry them both, Emma had it not.
-- I have already met with such success in two appli-cations for pardon, that I may be in danger of thinking myself too sure of yours, and of those among your friends who have had any ground of offence. You must all endeav-our to comprehend the exact nature of my situation when I 534 Emmafirst arrived at Randalls; you must consider me as having a secret which was to be kept at all hazards.
-- This dog had originally belonged to a shepherd of inferior morals and dreadful temper, and the result was that George knew the exact degrees of condemnation signified by cursing and swearing of all descriptions better than the wickedest old man in the neighbourhood.
-- Gabriel again mounted the gate, and, leaping down on the other side upon what he found to be ploughed soil, made across the field in the exact direction of the fire.
-- Something in the exact arch of her upper unbroken row of teeth, and in the keenly pointed corners of her red mouth when, with parted lips, she somewhat defiantly turned up her face to argue a point with a tall man, suggested that there was potentiality enough in that lithe slip of humanity for alarming exploits of sex, and daring enough to carry them out.
-- "I looked hard at en, as if I would read his very soul; and there was mercy in his eyes or to speak with the exact truth required of us at this solemn time, in the eye that was towards me."
-- Among them she distributed, with astronomical precision, the exact proportion of respect and attention due to the varying amounts they paid for their board.
-- An exact and faithful rendering of the glance might be given in the words: "Look here, my dear; I hope you intend to send this little whipper-snapper about his business."
-- The _morganatic_ couple (to use a convenient German expression which 莽卢卢29 茅隆碌 氓聟卤 142 茅隆碌 has no exact equivalent) had reached the door, when the Count interrupted himself in his talk with Eugene.
-- And when Scarlettdiscovered him jumping fences after his solemn promise to his wife, or learned the exact amount of his losses at poker,as she always did from County gossip, she refrained from mentioning the fact at the supper table in the artfully artlessmanner Suellen had.
-- It protected her from reproof, and it left no doubt in anyone's mind as to her exact views onany subject.
-- It was for the latter reason thathe was barely on speaking terms with his sister, Miss Pittypat From childhood, they had been exact opposites intemperament and they had been further estranged by his objections to the manner in which she had reared Charles "Making a damn sissy out of a soldier's son!"
-- Mr. Wopsle answered, "Those are not the exact words."
-- "Not the exact words!"
-- "Is that the exact substance?"
-- And while I was occupied with these deliberations, I would fancy an exact resemblance to Joe in some man coming along the road towards us, and my heart would beat high.--As if he could possibly be there!
-- It further appeared that the book I had seen Mrs. Pocket reading in the garden was all about titles, and that she knew the exact date at which her grandpapa would have come into the book, if he ever had come at all.
-- These gentlemen, having pen, ink, and paper, about them, made an exact inventory of every thing they saw; and when they had done, desired I would set them down, that they might deliver it to the em-peror.
-- 'This is an exact inventory of what we found about the body of the man-mountain, who used us with great civility, and due respect to your majesty's commission.
-- '8th, That the said man-mountain shall, in two moons' time, deliver in an exact survey of the circumference of our dominions, by a computation of his own paces round the coast.