
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:09


very是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 很, 非常; 完全a. 正是的; 真正, 真实的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Should he remark that the weather was very cold for the time of year?

-- Hall very sociably pulled up.



-- 'It was a very near thing, indeed.

-- He had evidently been a very ordinary medical student, and drifted incontinently to the topic of the music halls.

-- I found Montgomery very reticent about his purpose with these creatures, and about his desti- nation; and though I was sensible of a growing curiosity as to both, I did not press him.

-- Except for an occasional sound in the yellow-lit forecastle and a movement of the animals now and then, the night was very still.

-- That night I had some very unpleasant dreams.



-- Night-Song in the Jungle It was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws one af-ter the other to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips.

-- Indeed, we are very grateful to Shere Khan!'

-- It was the noise that bewilders woodcutters and gypsies sleeping in the open, and makes them run sometimes into the very mouth of the tiger.

-- 'Shere Khan does us great honor,' said Father Wolf, but his eyes were very angry.

-- 'He came naked, by night, alone and very hungry; yet he was not afraid!Look, he has pushed one of my babes to one side already.



-- The color of the Indian, the writer believes, is peculiar to himself, and while his cheek-bones have a very striking in-dication of a Tartar origin, his eyes have not.

-- Like nations of higher pretensions, the American Indian gives a very different account of his own tribe or race from that which is given by other people.

-- The novice in the military art flew from point to point, retarding his own preparations by the excess of his violent and somewhat distempered zeal; while the more practiced veteran made his arrangements with a deliberation that scorned every appearance of haste; though his sober linea-ments and anxious eye sufficiently betrayed that he had no very strong professional relish for the, as yet, untried and dreaded warfare of the wilderness.

-- There was one man, however, who, by his coun-tenance and actions, formed a marked exception to those who composed the latter class of spectators, being neither idle, nor seemingly very ignorant.

-- Alice made no very powerful effort to control her merriment; and even the dark, thoughtful eye of Cora light-ed with a humor that it would seem, the habit, rather than the nature, of its mistress repressed.



-- A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere.

-- What fearful shapes and shadows beset his path, amidst the dim and ghastly glare of a snowy night!With what wistful look did he eye every trembling ray of light streaming across the waste fields from some distant window!How often was he appalled by some shrub covered with snow, which, like a sheeted spectre, beset his very path!How often did he shrink with curdling awe at the sound of his own steps on the frosty crust beneath his feet; and dread to look over his shoulder, lest he should behold some uncouth being tramp-ing close behind him!and how often was he thrown into complete dismay by some rushing blast, howling among the trees, in the idea that it was the Galloping Hessian on one of his nightly scourings!

-- He had, in fact, been a favorite steed of his master's, the cho-leric Van Ripper, who was a furious rider, and had infused, very probably, some of his own spirit into the animal; for, old and broken-down as he looked, there was more of the lurking devil in him than in any young filly in the country.

-- In the fullness of their revelry, they fluttered, chirping and frolicking from bush to bush, and tree to tree, capricious from the very profusion and variety around them.

-- There was a contagion in the very air that blew from that haunted region; it breathed forth an atmosphere of dreams and fancies infecting all the land.



-- I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstances reduces it to very discreet proportions.

-- I was very young when I wrote my first book.











