bitter是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有苦味的; 辛酸的; 怀恨的; n. 苦啤酒,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He gazed at the most appalling sight with eyes and muscles that knew not how to waver, but with execrations so bitter and deep as to denote how much he denounced the crime of his enemies.
-- Heaven knows what pains the author has been at, what bitter experiences he has endured and what heartache suffered, to give some chance reader a few hours' relaxation or to while away the tedium of a journey.
-- No one could say such bitter things; on the other hand, no one could do more charming ones.
-- I wondered if there was anything I could say that would ease the sense of bitter humiliation which at present tormented Mrs. Strickland.
-- I received the impression of a life which was a bitter struggle against every sort of difficulty; but I realised that much which would have seemed horrible to most people did not in the least affect him.
-- "Haven't you been in bitter distress once when a helping hand was held out to you?
-- Poor Neb shed bitter tears, giving way to despair at the thought of having lost the only being he loved on earth.
-- 'I dare be bound for that,' he said, darting a bitter look at the grandfather.
-- Nor was it without great surprise and much speculation on Quilp's probable motives, nor without many bitter comments on Dick Swiveller's folly, that his friend received the tale.
-- As he was entirely alone, it may be presumed that, in these remarks, Mr Swiveller addressed himself to his fate or destiny, whom, as we learn by the precedents, it is the custom of heroes to taunt in a very bitter and ironical manner when they find themselves in situations of an unpleasant nature.
-- 'And this,' said Miss Brass, raising her head, with which she had hitherto sat resting on her hands, and surveying him from head to foot with a bitter sneer, 'this is my brother, is it!This is my brother, that I have worked and toiled for, and believed to have had something of the man in him!'
-- It was a bitter day.
-- Ragojhinsky was a man without reputation or fortune, but a clever fortune hunter, who, by skillful manoeuvering between liberalism and conservatism, availing himself of that dominating tendency which promised bitter results in life, but principally by something peculiar which attracted women to him, he succeeded in making a relatively brilliant judicial career.
-- A bitter cold assailed me.
-- ""I doubt it," said the Carpenter,And shed a bitter tear.
-- It was a bitter cold winter, with long, hard frosts and heavy gales; and it was plain from the first that my poor father was little likely to see the spring.
-- Then, compelled, he began:"I know what centres they live from what they perceive and feel the hot, stinging centrality of a goose in the flux of cold water and mud the curious bitter stinging heat of a goose's blood, entering their own blood like an inoculation of corruptive fire fire of the cold-burning mud the lotus mystery."
-- Gerald looked at his face, as it lay there laughing and bitter and indifferent on the pillow, and he could not go away.
-- But when the others had gone, Birkin turned round in bitter declamation, saying:"It is just the opposite, just the contrary, Hermione.
-- "Why, why are people all balls of bitter dust?
-- She knew all she had to know, she had experienced all she had to experience, she was fulfilled in a kind of bitter ripeness, there remained only to fall from the tree into death.
-- A sorrowful sight I saw: dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow.
-- So, from the very beginning, he bred bad feeling in the house; and at Mrs. Earnshaw's death, which happened in less than two years after, the young master had learned to regard his father as an oppressor rather than a friend, and Heathcliff as a usurper of his parent's affections and his privileges; and he grew bitter with brooding over these injuries.