bitter是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有苦味的; 辛酸的; 怀恨的; n. 苦啤酒,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It was a very low fire indeed; nothing on such a bitter night.
-- This wine-shop keeper was a bull-necked, martial-looking man of thirty, and he should have been of a hot temperament, for, although it was a bitter day, he wore no coat, but carried one slung over his shoulder.
-- 'Ah!So much the worse!A bitter taste it is that such poor cattle always have in their mouths, and hard lives they live, Jacques.
-- Into his handsome face, the bitter waters of captivity had worn; but, he covered up their tracks with a determination so strong, that he held the mastery of them even in his sleep.
-- 313XXII The Sea Still Rises aggard Saint Antoine had had only one exultant week, Hin which to soften his modicum of hard and bitter bread to such extent as he could, with the relish of frater-nal embraces and congratulations, when Madame Defarge sat at her counter, as usual, presiding over the customers.
-- In all weathers, in the snow and frost of winter, in the bitter winds of spring, in the hot sunshine of summer, in the rains of autumn, and again in the snow and frost of win-ter, Lucie passed two hours of every day at this place; and every day on leaving it, she kissed the prison wall.
-- 'Tis a bitter crust, alas!at which I am condemned to gnaw!'
-- Bitter as it was for the princess to see the unhappiness of her eldest daughter, Dolly, on the point of leaving her husband, her anxiety over the decision of her youngest daughter's fate engrossed all her feelings.
-- A guard, either dunk or too much muffled up in the bitter frost, had not heard the train moving back, and had been crushed.
-- Bitter memories were more and more covered up by the incidents--paltry in his eyes, but really important--of his country life.
-- When she thought of Vronsky, it seemed to her that he did not love her, that he was already beginning to be tired of her, that she could not offer herself to him, and she felt bitter against him for it.
-- With despair in his heart and bitter anger against all men, against himself, against her, he went out of the hotel and drove to her house.
-- From this point it described a long curve, descending towards Bitter Creek Valley, to rise again to the dividing ridge of the waters between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
-- At ten o'clock at night the train stopped at Fort Bridger station, and twenty minutes later entered Wyoming Territory, following the valley of Bitter Creek throughout.
-- It was his fault, for, instead of helping his master, he had not ceased putting obstacles in his path!And when he recalled all the incidents of the tour, when he counted up the sums expended in pure loss and on his own account, when he thought that the immense stake, added to the heavy charges of this useless journey, would completely ruin Mr. Fogg, he overwhelmed himself with bitter self-accusations.
-- He nodded and gurgled in brief smothering sleep; he sprawled on the seat and talked with friendly fellow vagrants; he drank bitter coffee and ate enormously of buckwheat cakes at a station restaurant; and so, changing at anonymous towns, he came at last to the squatty shelters, the two wheat-elevators, the cattle-pen, the oil-tank, and the red box of a station with its slushy platform, which composed the outskirts of Wheatsylvania.
-- Martin yelped the last words from the step at the back of the ambulance as it went bumping and rocking through the factory yard, through the bitter smoke, toward the shrinking crowd.
-- It is strange that excellent bacteriologists and chemists should scramble eggs so waterily, should make such bitter coffee and be so casual about dirty spoons.
-- Stokes begged him at least to turn the work over to another doctor and take what interest he could in St. Swithin's, but Martin had a bitter satisfaction in throwing away all his significance, in helping to wreck his own purposes.
-- He became absorbed in mathematical laws which strangely predicted natural phenomena; his world was cold, exact, austerely materialistic, bitter to those who founded their logic on impressions.
-- Bitter is the ascent to Golgotha芒聙娄.
-- No, Dounia was not that sort when I knew her and 芒聙娄 she is still the same, of course!Yes, there's no denying, the Svid-riga脙炉lovs are a bitter pill!It's a bitter thing to spend one's life a governess in the provinces for two hundred roubles, but I know she would rather be a nigger on a plantation or a Lett with a German master than degrade her soul, and her mor-al dignity, by binding herself for ever to a man whom she does not respect and with whom she has nothing in com-mon for her own advantage.
-- he screamed, with such bitter irritation, such despair in his eyes that Razumi-hin's hands dropped.
-- 'I ought to have known it,' he thought with a bitter smile.