
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:06


me是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为pron. 我,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Stared at me with those black goggles of his, and then at his sleeve."

-- He came towards me in three very slow steps, and stood quite close.



-- The two other men who had escaped so far with me were a man named Helmar, a passenger like myself, and a seaman whose name I don't know, a short sturdy man, with a stammer.

-- I would not draw lots however, and in the night the sail-or whispered to Helmar again and again, and I sat in the bows with my clasp-knife in my hand, though I doubt if I had the stuff in me to fight; and in the morning I agreed to Helmar's proposal, and we handed halfpence to find the odd man.

-- The laugh caught me suddenly like a thing from without.

-- And even as I lay there I saw, with no more interest than if it had been a picture, a sail come up towards me over the sky-line.

-- I remember how my head swayed with the seas, and the horizon with the sail above it danced up and down; but I also remember as distinctly that I had a persuasion that I was dead, and that I thought what a jest it was that they should come too late by such a little to catch me in my body.



-- 'Tabaqui came to me not long ago with some rude talk that I was a naked man's cub and not fit to dig pig-nuts.

-- They fed me behind bars from an iron pan till one night I felt that I was Bagheera the Panther and no man's play-thing, and I broke the silly lock with one blow of my paw and came away.

-- Ye know how ye brought me up to an untried buck to make my weak-ness known.

-- Your right is to kill me here on the Council Rock, now.

-- Give me the man-cub, or I will hunt here always, and not give you one bone.



-- Foolish though it may be, you have often heard me avow my faith in the tones of the human voice!'

-- 'Partial relatives have almost persuaded me that I am not entirely worthless in a duet myself; and we may enliven our wayfaring by indulg-ing in our favorite pursuit.

-- You have all the manifestations of a soft and rich treble; I can, by especial aid, carry a full tenor to the highest letter; but we lack coun-ter and bass!Yon officer of the king, who hesitated to admit me to his company, might fill the latter, if one may judge from the intonations of his voice in common dialogue.'

-- None can say they have ever known me to neglect my gifts!I am thankful that, though my boyhood may be said to have been set apart, like the youth of the royal David, for the purposes of music, no syl-lable of rude verse has ever profaned my lips.'

-- 'I know not what you call my bass,' said Heyward, piqued at her remark, 'but I know that your safety, and that of Cora, is far dearer to me than could be any orchestra of Handel's music.'



-- To me they have always been matters of riddle and ad-miration.



-- Fortunately, there is no need for me to risk the adventure, since my friend, Mr. Edward Leggatt, an able writer as well as an admirable painter, has exhaustively discussed Charles Strickland's work in a little book芒聭麓 which is a charming example of a style, for the most part, less happily cultivated in England than in France.

-- For my part, I should be sorry to think that there was nothing between Anthony and Cleopatra but an economic situation; and it will require a great deal more evidence than is ever likely to be available, thank God, to persuade me that Tiberius was as blameless a monarch as King George V. Dr. Weitbrecht-Rotholz has dealt in such terms with the Rev.

-- It is true I knew him more intimately than most: I met him first before ever he became a painter, and I saw him not infrequently during the difficult years he spent in Paris; but I do not suppose I should ever have set down my recollections if the hazards of the war had not taken me to Tahiti.

-- I admire their polish their youth is already so accomplished that it seems absurd to speak of promise I marvel at the felicity of their style; but with all their copiousness (their vocabulary suggests that they fingered Roget's Thesaurus in their cradles) they say nothing to me: to my mind they know too much and feel too obviously; I cannot stomach the heartiness with which they slap me on the back or the emotion with which they hurl themselves on my bosom; their passion seems to me a little anaemic and their dreams a trifle dull.

-- I was introduced to this celebrated person after that one, and the kind words they said about my book made me excessively uncomfortable.



-- "By that lazy balloon which is left there doing nothing, and which looks to me as if it was waiting on purpose for us " There was no necessity for the sailor to finish his sentence.











