mind是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 精神, 理智, 意见, 记忆力v. 注意, 介意, 反对,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Some years ago never mind how long precisely having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.
-- For my mind was made up to sail in no other than a Nantucket craft, because there was a fine, boisterous something about everything connected with that famous old island, which amazingly pleased me.
-- At any rate, I made up my mind that if it so turned out that we should sleep together, he must undress and get into bed before I did.
-- One complained of a bad cold in his head, upon which Jonah mixed him a pitch-like potion of gin and molasses, which he swore was a sovereign cure for all colds and catarrhs whatsoever, never mind of how long standing, or whether caught off the coast of Labrador, or on the weather side of an ice-island.
-- "Landlord!I've changed my mind about that harpooneer. I shan't sleep with him.
-- 'You needn't mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse,' said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation.
-- And so for from being denied the advantages of religious consolation, he was kicked into the same apartment every evening at prayer-time, and there permitted to listen to, and console his mind with, a general supplication of the boys, containing a special clause, therein inserted by authority of the board, in which they entreated to be made good, virtuous, contented, and obedient, and to be guarded from the sins and vices of Oliver Twist: whom the supplication distinctly set forth to be under the exclusive patronage and protection of the powers of wickedness, and an article direct from the manufactory of the very Devil himself.
-- It chanced one morning, while Oliver's affairs were in this auspicious and comfortable state, that Mr. Gamfield, chimney-sweep, went his way down the High Street, deeply cogitating in his mind his ways and means of paying certain arrears of rent, for which his landlord had become rather pressing.
-- You don't mind sleeping among the coffins, I suppose?
-- There's your tea; take it away to that box, and drink it there, and make haste, for they'll want you to mind the shop.
-- HER mind was less difficult to develop.
-- 'I do not mind his not talking to Mrs. Long,' said Miss Lucas, 'but I wish he had danced with Eliza.'
-- My mind was more agreeably engaged.
-- 'All this she must possess,' added Darcy, 'and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the im-provement of her mind by extensive reading.'
-- I have, therefore, made up my mind to tell you, that I do not want to dance a reel at all and now de-spise me if you dare.'
-- 'If they take much care of themselves, and little or none of you, you must not mind it.'
-- I will mind it.'
-- I have just made up my mind to do it.'
-- Many years ago, it had had it in its mind to slide down sideways; it had been propped up, however, and was leaning on some half-dozen gigantic crutches: which gymnasium for the neighbouring cats, weather-stained, smoke-blackened, and overgrown with weeds, appeared in these latter days to be no very sure reliance.
-- 'Girls,' said Meg seriously, looking from the tumbled head beside her to the two little night-capped ones in the room beyond, 'Mother wants us to read and love and mind these books, and we must begin at once.
-- This was Jo's fa-vorite refuge, and here she loved to retire with half a dozen russets and a nice book, to enjoy the quiet and the society of a pet rat who lived near by and didn't mind her a particle.
-- But the boy laughed and said pleasantly, though he looked a little startled, 'Don't mind me, stay if you like.'
-- He only looked dawn a minute, and the expression of his face puzzled Jo when he said very gently, 'Never mind that.
-- I'm sure Aunt March is a regular Old Man of the Sea to me, but I suppose when I've learned to carry her without complaining, she will tumble off, or get so light that I shan't mind her.'