
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:04


get是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 获得, 得到; 使, 使得; 变得, 成为; 到达,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "We'll get that by and by," said Edward.

-- "On the same line," resumed the young captain, "there is the syllable GLAS and if we add that to the GOW we found in the English paper, we get the whole word GLASGOW at once.

-- I think we can make out from the incomplete words in the first line that a three-mast vessel is in question, and there is little doubt about the name; we get that from the fragments of the other papers; it is the BRITANNIA.

-- "But we can't get everything, my dear Major; and it is something at all events, to have the exact latitude.



-- But you know the hotel ink and the hotel pen, where it is rare to get anything else.

-- I could get no sense out of the chap who cleans them.

-- But as to my uncle's death well, it all seems boiling up in my head, and I can't get it clear yet.

-- 'What a pity we did not get the number!'

-- 'My dear Watson, clumsy as I have been, you surely do not seriously imagine that I neglected to get the number?



-- 'Gospel truth!All they do is to get hold of our good Russian money free, gratis, and for nothing. '

-- Why, I can get him sent off to Siberia for that alone, if I like; it's sacrilege.

-- 'Don't flatter yourself, my boy,' said he; 'she's not for such as you; she's a princess, she is, and her name is Nastasia Philipovna Barashkoff, and she lives with Totski, who wishes to get rid of her because he's growing rather old fiftyfive or so and wants to marry a certain beauty, the loveliest woman in all Petersburg.'

-- 'There,' she says, 'take your ear-rings, you wretched old miser; although they are ten times dearer than their value to me now that I know what it must have cost Parfen to get them!Give Parfen my compliments,' she says, 'and thank him very much!'

-- 'Hey, my boy, we'll get her some proper earrings now!We'll get her such earrings that ' 'Look here,' cried Rogojin, seizing him fiercely by the arm, 'look here, if you so much as name Nastasia Philipov-na again, I'll tan your hide as sure as you sit there!'



-- When the sharing comes, your share is far the largest, and I, forsooth, must go back to my ships, take what I can get and be thankful, when my labour of fighting is done.

-- I love you dearly, and should be very sorry to see you get a thrashing; however grieved I might be, I could not help, for there is no standing against Jove.

-- Tell him to get the Achaeans instantly under arms, for he shall take Troy.

-- He bids you get the Achae-ans instantly under arms, for you shall take Troy.

-- He bids you get the Achaeans instantly under arms, for you shall take Troy.



-- "But they take long enough to get well, don't they?

-- So that if I may make so bold as to say it, sir " "Will you get me some matches?"

-- Mrs. Hall went away to get a lamp, and he rose and stretched himself.

-- "And I'm very naturally anxious to get on with my inquiries."

-- Whatever he is, you can't get rid of him under the week.











