get是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 获得, 得到; 使, 使得; 变得, 成为; 到达,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'Why, unless you did,' returned the jailer, 'you might depart in so many pieces that it would be difficult to get you together again.
-- Now, Pet, my darling, you had better go along with Mother and get ready for the boat.
-- 'I shall get a nice box of Faber's drawing pencils.
-- It makes me cross, and my hands get so stiff, I can't practice well at all.'
-- 'I hate to think I've got to grow up, and be Miss March, and wear long gowns, and look as prim as a China Aster!It's bad enough to be a girl, anyway, when I like boy's games and work and man-ners!I can't get over my disappointment in not being a boy.
-- 'I thought I'd get her some with my dollar,' said Beth.
-- 'I'll tell you what we'll do,' said Beth, 'let's each get her something for Christmas, land not get anything for our-selves.'
-- Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.
-- Some leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier-heads; some looking over the bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep.
-- They must get just as nigh the water as they possibly can without falling in.
-- Besides, passengers get sea-sick grow quarrelsome don't sleep of nights do not enjoy themselves much, as a general thing; no, I never go as a passenger; nor, though I am something of a salt, do I ever go to sea as a Commodore, or a Captain, or a Cook.
-- What of it, if some old hunks of a sea-captain orders me to get a broom and sweep down the decks?
-- 'Of course, of course,' replied the undertaker; 'and if I don't get a profit upon this or that particular article, why, I make it up in the long-run, you see--he!he!he!'
-- 'Well,' replied the undertaker, 'I was thinking that if I pay so much towards 'em, I've a right to get as much out of 'em as I can, Mr. Bumble; and so--I think I'll take the boy myself.'
-- Mr. Sowerberry was closeted with the board for five minutes; and it was arranged that Oliver should go to him that evening 'upon liking'--a phrase which means, in the case of a parish apprentice, that if the master find, upon a short trial, that he can get enough work out of a boy without putting too much food into him, he shall have him for a term of years, to do what he likes with.
-- said the undertaker: raising the candle above his head, to get a better view of Oliver.
-- 'Then I'll whop yer when I get in,' said the voice; 'you just see if I don't, that's all, my work'us brat!'
-- The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.
-- Lady Lucas quieted her fears a little by starting the idea of his being gone to London only to get a large par-ty for the ball; and a report soon followed that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the assembly.
-- 'Your plan is a good one,' replied Elizabeth, 'where noth-ing is in question but the desire of being well married, and if I were determined to get a rich husband, or any husband, I dare say I should adopt it.
-- When they get to our age, I dare say they will not think about officers any more than we do.
-- 'They are wanted in the farm much oftener than I can get them.'
-- It was with the utmost hazard the boat came near us; but it was impossible for us to get on board, or for the boat to lie near the ship's side, till at last the men rowing very heartily, and venturing their lives to save ours, our men cast them a rope over the stern with a buoy to it, and then veered it out a great length, which they, after much labour and haz-ard, took hold of, and we hauled them close under our stern, and got all into their boat.
-- We crowded also as much canvas as our yards would spread, or our masts carry, to get clear; but finding the pirate gained upon us, and would certain-ly come up with us in a few hours, we prepared to fight; our ship having twelve guns, and the rogue eighteen.