
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:03


chance是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 机会; 可能性; 偶然性, 运气v. 碰巧, 偶然发生,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- But Totski himself, though an egotist of the extremest type, realized that he had no chance there; Aglaya was clearly not for such as he.

-- I shouldn't have let the chance go by in their place, I know.



-- Our only course is to fight them with might and main; we had better chance it, life or death, once for all, than fight long and without issue hemmed in at our ships by worse men than ourselves.'

-- Like enough he would see me as I am hurrying from the city over the plain, and would speed after me till he had caught me I should stand no chance against him, for he is mightiest of all mankind.

-- Therefore, my dear son, mind well what you are about, for if you can be first to round the post there is no chance of any one giving you the go-by later, not even though you had Adrestus's horse Arion behind you a horse which is of divine race or those of Laomedon, which are the noblest in this country.'



-- But his temper, at no time very good, seems to have gone completely at some chance blow, and forthwith he set to smiting and overthrowing, for the mere satisfaction of hurting.

-- I went down into the warehouse to see if there was any chance of packing and addressing a parcel, but I could not understand the system of checking.



-- I had no means of reaching the land unless I should chance to drift there.

-- My heart was in my mouth; but I felt my only chance was bluff, and walked steadily towards him.

-- My head reeled with this jabbering and the close stench of the place; but I kept on, trusting to find pres-ently some chance of a new development.

-- Then it came into my head that there was one chance before me yet.



-- 'A blow more or less is nothing to thee, Bagheera or Baloo, but I I have to wait and wait for days in a wood-path and climb half a night on the mere chance of a young ape.

-- Once started, there was no chance of stopping, and before they were fairly in the bed of the ravine Rama winded Shere Khan and bellowed.

-- To do Buldeo justice, if he had been ten years young-er he would have taken his chance with Akela had he met the wolf in the woods, but a wolf who obeyed the orders of this boy who had private wars with man-eating tigers was not a common animal.

-- Naturally the Chickies and the Gooverooskies and the Epatkas the Burgomaster Gulls and the Kitti-wakes and the Puffins, who are always looking for a chance to be rude, took up the cry, and so Limmershin told me for nearly five minutes you could not have heard a gun fired on Walrus Islet.

-- Nagaina saw that she had lost her chance of killing Ted-dy, and the egg lay between Rikki-tikki's paws.



-- While the common herd stood aloof, in deference to the quarters of Webb, the figure we have described stalked into the center of the domestics, freely expressing his censures or commendations on the merits of the horses, as by chance they displeased or satisfied his judgment.

-- This is my schooling, major; and if one neglects the book, there is little chance of learn-ing from the open land of Providence.

-- He only knew that they had not engaged in the late expedition against William Henry; that, like the Hurons themselves they were allies of Montcalm; and that they maintained an amicable, though a watchful intercourse with the warlike and savage people whom chance had, for a time, brought in such close and dis-agreeable contact with themselves.



-- To turn and fly was now too late; and besides, what chance was there of escaping ghost or goblin, if such it was, which could ride upon the wings of the wind?



-- What chance is there that any book will make its way among that multitude?

-- Heaven knows what pains the author has been at, what bitter experiences he has endured and what heartache suffered, to give some chance reader a few hours' relaxation or to while away the tedium of a journey.

-- By a lucky chance it excited attention, and various persons sought my acquaintance.

-- Sometimes it seems as if they grudge the longevity which postpones their chance of an effective scene.










