
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:54


carriage是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. (四轮) 马车; (火车) 客车厢,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- If they had but known why, at this par- ticular moment, they were both remarkable persons, they would undoubtedly have wondered at the strange chance which had set them down opposite to one another in a third- class carriage of the Warsaw Railway Company.

-- I think I must be one of those who are born to be in luck, for one does not of-ten meet with people whom one feels he can love from the first sight of their faces; and yet, no sooner do I step out of the railway carriage than I happen upon you!

-- All is not gold that glitters, you know; and because a man keeps his carriage he need not be specially virtuous, I assure you, all sorts of people keep car-riages.

-- I gave him a tip of fifteen roubles, and told him to get the carriage ready at once.



-- "It's a steep road by the down, sir," she said in answer to the question about a trap; and then, snatching at an opening, said, "It was there a carriage was upsettled, a year ago and more.

-- I had thought I should find the doors open, but they were closed, and as I stood in the wide entrance a carriage stopped outside, and a man in uniform you know the kind of personage with 'Omnium' on his cap flung open the door.



-- Another point was the forward carriage of the head and the clumsy and inhu-man curvature of the spine.

-- The Thing was still clothed, and at a distance its face still seemed human; but the carriage of its four limbs was feline, and the furtive droop of its shoulder was distinctly that of a hunted animal.

-- Two Beast Men came crouching and peering at them through the undergrowth, with ges-tures and a furtive carriage that alarmed Montgomery by their strangeness.



-- His high and haughty carriage was not lost on his captors, who often bent their looks on his person, with eyes which, while they lost none of their in-flexibility of purpose, plainly betrayed their admiration of the stranger's daring.



-- Again he made no reply, but the driver of our carriage came to my rescue.



-- Take care that the day don't come when you walk barefoot in the streets, and she rides by in a gay carriage of her own.'

-- In the large inn-yards waiters flitted to and fro and ran against each other, horses clattered on the uneven stones, carriage steps fell rattling down, and sickening smells from many dinners came in a heavy lukewarm breath upon the sense.

-- As many of the children as could be kept within bounds, were stowed away, with all the other signs of dirt and poverty, among the donkeys, carts, and horses; and as many as could not be thus disposed of ran in and out in all intricate spots, crept between people's legs and carriage wheels, and came forth unharmed from under horses' hoofs.

-- A rickety table, with spare bundles of papers, yellow and ragged from long carriage in the pocket, ostentatiously displayed upon its top; a couple of stools set face to face on opposite sides of this crazy piece of furniture; a treacherous old chair by the fire-place, whose withered arms had hugged full many a client and helped to squeeze him dry; a second-hand wig box, used as a depository for blank writs and declarations and other small forms of law, once the sole contents of the head which belonged to the wig which belonged to the box, as they were now of the box itself; two or three common books of practice; a jar of ink, a pounce box, a stunted hearth-broom, a carpet trodden to shreds but still clinging with the tightness of desperation to its tacks these, with the yellow wainscot of the walls, the smoke-discoloured ceiling, the dust and cobwebs, were among the most prominent decorations of the office of Mr Sampson Brass.

-- And thereupon he gave his arm to Kit's mother, handed her into the carriage as politely as you please, and took his seat beside her.



-- When he emerged from the house a carriage with rubber tires awaited him.

-- This kind-hearted man told Nekhludoff all his story, and was about to ask him about his own when their attention was attracted by a rubber-tired carriage drawn by a blooded chestnut horse.

-- The carriage was occupied by a student and a lady whose face was hidden under a veil.

-- While Nekhludoff was approaching the house a carriage was standing near the curb, opposite the door, and a lackey in a cockaded silk hat and cape, was seating a lady, who, raising the long train of her skirt, displayed the sharp joints of her toes through the thin slippers.



-- And last of all, that evident confusion in the sunshine, that hasty yet fumbling awkward flight towards dark shadow, and that peculiar carriage of the head while in the light all reinforced the theory of an extreme sensitiveness of the retina.



-- In another moment she felt the carriage rise straight up into the air, and in her fright she caught at the thing nearest to her hand, which happened to be the Goat's beard.



-- There was a stir in the crowd at the gate, a concentration as a carriage drove up, wedding guests were mounting up the steps and passing along the red carpet to the church.

-- The door of the carriage was thrown open, to let out the very blossom of the day.







