carriage是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. (四轮) 马车; (火车) 客车厢,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- An elderly lady, though not very far advanced in years, with aproud carriage and a handsome face, was in the doorway as we 275alighted; and greeting Steerforth as 'My dearest James,' folded himin her arms.
-- Therespectable creature, satisfied with his lot whatever it was,arranged our portmanteaus on the little carriage that was to take usinto London, as if they were intended to defy the shocks of ages;and received my modestly proffered donation with perfecttranquillity.
-- and I went; and Dora leaned out of the carriage to talk tome, and we talked all the rest of the way; and I rode my gallantgrey so close to the wheel that I grazed his near fore-leg against it,and 'took the bark off,' as his owner told me, 'to the tune of threepun' sivin'- which I paid, and thought extremely cheap for somuch joy.
-- Of our all being so merry andtalkative in the carriage going back.
-- Her situation was altogether the subject of hours of grati-tude to Mrs. Weston, and of moments only of regret; and 20 Emmaher satisfaction -her more than satisfaction her cheerful enjoyment, was so just and so apparent, that Emma, well as she knew her father, was sometimes taken by surprize at his being still able to pity 'poor Miss Taylor,' when they left her at Randalls in the centre of every domestic comfort, or saw her go away in the evening attended by her pleasant hus-band to a carriage of her own.
-- The cold, how-ever, was severe; and by the time the second carriage was in motion, a few flakes of snow were finding their way down, and the sky had the appearance of being so overcharged as to want only a milder air to produce a very white world in a very short time.
-- They arrived, the carriage turned, the step was let down, and Mr. Elton, spruce, black, and smiling, was with them instantly.
-- The contrivances of 140 Emmamodern days indeed have rendered a gentleman's carriage perfectly complete.
-- It is a very cold afternoon but in this carriage we know nothing of the matter. Ha!snows a little I see.'
-- He crossed over towards Bathsheba, who turned to greet him with a carriage of perfect ease.
-- The carriage came opposite and passed by.
-- A carriage rolled along the road, and passed the gate.
-- Cutting the name, carriage to Weatherbury, and erection.
-- Just imagine it!There was a splendid carriage waiting at the corner of the Place de l'Estrapade, and _she_ got into it."
-- It 41was said, and we retired under the pretence of seeking re-pose, each fancying that the other was deceived; but when at morning's dawn I descended to the carriage which was to convey me away, they were all there my father again to bless me, Clerval to press my hand once more, my Eliza-beth to renew her entreaties that I would write often and to bestow the last feminine attentions on her playmate and friend.
-- I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around.
-- A little aloof, as became an aristocrat, lay ablack-spotted carriage dog, muzzle on paws, patiently waiting for the boys to go home to supper.
-- "Well, when we were in Atlanta yesterday, waiting for the home train, her carriage went by the depot and shestopped and talked to us, and she told us there was going to be an engagement announced tomorrow night at theWilkes ball."
-- "She doan never git no res' on her piller fer hoppin' up at night time nursin' niggers an po' w'ite trash dat couldten' to deyseff," grumbled Mammy in a monotone as she went down the stairs toward the carriage which was waitingin the side drive.
-- Gerald helped his wife into the carriage and gave orders to the coachman to drive carefully.
-- Gerald made a habit of dominating the conversation at mealtimes, and usually Scarlett,occupied with her own thoughts, scarcely heard him; but tonight she could not shut out his voice, no matter how muchshe strained to listen for the sound of carriage wheels that would herald Ellen's return.
-- "A carriage will have to be sent for, Estella.
-- I got into the carriage to be taken back to Hammersmith, and I got in with a bad heart-ache, and I got out with a worse heart-ache.
-- And when the day came, and an open carriage was got into the Lane, Joe wrapped me up, took me in his arms, carried me down to it, and put me in, as if I were still the small helpless creature to whom he had so abundantly given of the wealth of his great nature.