own是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. (用在所有格后面, 加强语气) 自己的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- After an instant, Lord Edward said again, "To my own mind the hypothesis is so plausible, that I have no doubt whatever the event occurred on the coast of Patagonia, but still I will have inquiries made in Glasgow, as to the destination of the BRITANNIA, and we shall know if it is possible she could have been wrecked on those shores."
-- "This yacht is a portion of our old Caledonia, a fragment of Dumbartonshire, making a voyage by special favor, so that in a manner we are still in our own country.
-- "Very well, Monsieur Paganel, it shall be as you wish; and, for my own part, I am very glad to be able to offer you, meantime, a few days' hospitality.
-- But whether Paganel could not or would not see it then, two hours later he was forced to yield to ocular evidence or own himself blind.
-- "Well, let us admit it," said her husband, "but our friend Paganel must own that even if there are doubts about the name of the race there is none about their size."
-- 'I am bound to say that in all the accounts which you have been so good as to give of my own small achievements you have habitually underrated your own abilities.
-- 'I observe from your forefinger that you make your own cigarettes.
-- The moon shone clear above them, and they rode swiftly abreast, taking that course which the maid must needs have taken if she were to reach her own home.
-- In these days of nouveaux riches it is refreshing to find a case where the scion of an old county family which has fallen upon evil days is able to make his own fortune and to bring it back with him to restore the fallen grandeur of his line.
-- Being himself childless, it was his openly ex-pressed desire that the whole country-side should, within his own lifetime, profit by his good fortune, and many will have personal reasons for bewailing his untimely end.
-- 'Of course I can't argue the matter, because I know only my own case; but my doctor gave me money and he had very little to pay my jour-ney back, besides having kept me at his own expense, while there, for nearly two years.'
-- As to my forefa-thers, they have always been a poor lot; my own father was a sublieutenant in the army.
-- Aha, brother Senka, you'll have to open your gates and let me in, my boy!I know he told tales about me to my father I know that well enough but I cer-tainly did rile my father about Nastasia Philipovna that's very sure, and that was my own doing.'
-- II eneral Epanchin lived in his own house near the Lit-Gaynaya.
-- This last fact could, of course, reflect nothing but credit upon the general; and yet, though unquestionably a saga-cious man, he had his own little weaknesses-very excusable ones, one of which was a dislike to any allusion to the above circumstance.
-- She shall grow old in my house at Argos far from her own home, busying herself with her loom and visiting my couch; so go, and do not provoke me or it shall be the worse for you.'
-- I have set my heart on keep-ing her in my own house, for I love her better even than my own wife Clytemnestra, whose peer she is alike in form and feature, in understanding and accomplishments.
-- Are you to keep your own prize, while I sit tamely under my loss and give up the girl at your bidding?
-- I care neither for you nor for your anger; and thus will I do: since Phoebus Apollo is taking Chryseis from me, I shall send her with my ship and my followers, but I shall come to your tent and take your own prize Briseis, that you may learn how much stronger I am than you are, and that another may fear to set himself up as equal or comparable with me.'
-- When they reached the wide-stretching host of the Achaeans, they drew the vessel ashore, high and dry upon the sands, set her strong props beneath her, and went their ways to their own tents and ships.
-- Mrs. Hall lit the fire and left him there while she went to prepare him a meal with her own hands.
-- "Though, I understand," he said turning to Mrs. Hall, "that this room is really to be mine for my own private use."
-- "You mind you own business, Hall," said Mrs. Hall, "and I'll mind mine."
-- It was his own fault, for I didn't want to kill him.