own是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. (用在所有格后面, 加强语气) 自己的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- answered the sparrow as she flew away; 'now will I plague and punish thee at thy own house.'
-- When they were all ready, they went and looked at the soldier; but he snored on, and did not stir hand or foot: so they thought they were quite safe; and the eldest went up to her own bed and clapped her hands, and the bed sank into the floor and a trap-door flew open.
-- My wife Ilsabill Will have her own will, And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee!'
-- However, if my own ignorance in sea affairs shall have led me to commit some mistakes, I alone am answerable for them.
-- I hope you will be ready to own publicly, whenever you shall be called to it, that by your great and frequent urgency you prevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect account of my travels, with directions to hire some young gentleman of either university to put them in order, and correct the style, as my cousin Dampier did, by my advice, in his book called 'A Voyage round the world.'
-- Likewise in the account of the academy of projectors, and several pas-sages of my discourse to my master Houyhnhnm, you have either omitted some material circumstances, or minced or changed them in such a manner, that I do hardly know my own work.
-- I do, in the next place, complain of my own great want of judgment, in being prevailed upon by the entreaties and false reasoning of you and some others, very much against my own opinion, to suffer my travels to be published.
-- I desired you would let me know, by a letter, when party and faction were extinguished; judges learned and upright; pleaders honest and modest, with some tincture of common sense, and Smithfield blazing with pyramids of law books; the young nobility's education entirely changed; the physicians banished; the female Yahoos abounding in virtue, honour, truth, and good sense; courts and levees of great ministers thoroughly weeded and swept; wit, merit, and learning rewarded; all disgracers of the press in prose and verse condemned to eat nothing but their own cotton, and quench their thirst with their own ink.
-- This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children.
-- They had a little conchological cabinet, and a little metallurgical cabinet, and a little mineralogical cabinet; and the specimens were all arranged and labelled, and the bits of stone and ore looked as though they might have been broken from the parent substances by those tremendously hard instruments their own names; and, to paraphrase the idle legend of Peter Piper, who had never found his way into their nursery, If the greedy little Gradgrinds grasped at more than this, what was it for good gracious goodness' sake, that the greedy little Gradgrinds grasped it!
-- Phenomenon almost incredible though distinctly seen, what did he then behold but his own metallurgical Louisa, peeping with all her might through a hole in a deal board, and his own mathematical Thomas abasing himself on the ground to catch but a hoof of the graceful equestrian Tyrolean flower-act!
-- Coketown did not come out of its own furnaces, in all respects like gold that had stood the fire.
-- It was very strange to walk through the streets on a Sunday morning, and note how few of them the barbarous jangling of bells that was driving the sick and nervous mad, called away from their own quarter, from their own close rooms, from the corners of their own streets, where they lounged listlessly, gazing at all the church and chapel going, as at a thing with which they had no manner of concern.
-- My uncle was rich; his house was his own property, while he had a considerable private income.
-- Every one was familiar to me, having been catalogued by my own hand.
-- My own opinion, though, is decidedly in favor of Latin."
-- "Well, sir, foreigners have their own libraries, and our first consideration is, that our humbler classes should be highly educated.
-- Our two horses with the luggage followed of their own accord, without requiring whip or spur.
-- It had a thrill of its own too: a queer vibrating thrill inside the body, a final spasm of self-assertion, like the last word, exciting, and very like the row of asterisks that can be put to show the end of a paragraph, and a break in the theme.
-- Heaven knows why, for she was a woman who had her own income and her own way.
-- But as a matter of fact, it was some old impression of authority on her own mind or soul that she could not get rid of.
-- It had nothing to do with Sir Malcolm, who left his nervously hostile, high-spirited wife to rule her own roost, while he went his own way.
-- But Clifford, while he was better bred than Connie, and more 'society', was in his own way more provincial and more timid.
-- The child put all these things between the bars into the soft, Smooth, well-shaped hand, with evident dread more than once drawing back her own and looking at the man with her fair brow roughened into an expression half of fright and half of anger.