wave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 波浪; (挥手) 示意; 飘扬v. (挥手) 示意, 致意,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "My dear, that didn't hurt a bit!I wear no uniform and wave no sword and the fortunes of the Confederacy meannothing at all to me.
-- Mrs.Meade managed to smile and wave until he had passed and then she leaned her head on the back of Scarlett's shoulderfor a moment as though her strength had suddenly left her.
-- I stopped then, to wave my hat, and dear old Joe waved his strong right arm above his head, crying huskily "Hooroar!"
-- said Estella, with a slight wave of her hand, signifying in the fighting times.
-- He wore the blue bag in the manner of my great-coat, and was strutting along the pavement towards me on the opposite side of the street, attended by a company of delighted young friends to whom he from time to time exclaimed, with a wave of his hand, "Don't know yah!"
-- Then he took leave of his father, and set himself in the boat, but before it got far off a wave struck it, and it fell with one side low in the water, so the merchant thought that poor Heinel was lost, and went home very sorrowful, while the dwarf went his way, thinking that at any rate he had had his re-venge.
-- His horse went to the very edge of the water, sniffed at the approaching wave and retreated.
-- She felt again in a wave of terror the grey, gritty hopeless-ness of it all.
-- A wave of pure hate came out of the artist.
-- In another wave of hate the artist's face looked yellow.
-- 'One last remark,' proceeded Flora, rejecting commonplace life with a wave of her hand, 'I wish to make, one last explanation I wish to offer, there was a time ere Mr F. first paid attentions incapable of being mistaken, but that is past and was not to be, dear Mr Clennam you no longer wear a golden chain you are free I trust you may be happy, here is Papa who is always tiresome and putting in his nose everywhere where he is not wanted.'
-- He stopped these angry reproaches with a wave of his hand, and sobbed out, raising his face and shaking his melancholy head at his younger daughter, 'Amy, I know that you are innocent in intention.
-- 'You can take that bundle of cigars to smoke on the journey, if you like,' said Mr Dorrit, with a careless wave of his hand.
-- With an agitated wave of her hand, she put all that aside.
-- They always looked back before turning the corner, for their mother was always at the window to nod and smile, and wave her hand to them.
-- 'My faithful friend and noble patron,' continued Laurie with a wave of the hand, 'who has so flatteringly presented me, is not to be blamed for the base stratagem of tonight.
-- They kissed their moth-er quietly, clung about her tenderly, and tried to wave their hands cheerfully when she drove away.
-- Jo followed a minute after to wave her hand to him if he looked round.
-- She could only sob out, 'I try to be willing,' while she held fast to Jo, as the first bitter wave of this great sorrow broke over them together.
-- Wave after wave thus leaps into the ship, and finding no speedy vent runs roaring fore and aft, till the mariners come nigh to drowning while yet afloat.
-- Black Letter tells me that Sir Martin Frobisher on his return from that voyage, when Queen Bess did gallantly wave her jewelled hand to him from a window of Greenwich Palace, as his bold ship sailed down the Thames; "when Sir Martin returned from that voyage," saith Black Letter, "on bended knees he presented to her highness a prodigious long horn of the Narwhale, which for a long period after hung in the castle at Windsor."
-- Bare-headed in the sultry sun, Ahab stood on the bowsprit, and with one hand pushed far behind in readiness to wave his orders to the helmsman, cast his eager glance in the direction indicated aloft by the outstretched motionless arm of Daggoo.
-- cried Captain Mayhew; "thou must either " But that instant a headlong wave shot the boat far ahead, and its seethings drowned all speech.
-- You see, Mr. Starbuck, a wave has such a great long start before it leaps, all round the world it runs, and then comes the spring!But as for me, all the start I have to meet it, is just across the deck here.