last是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 最后的, 刚过去的ad. 最后n. 最后v. 持续,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- At last he rapped, opened the door, and got as far as, "Excuse me " "Go to the devil!"
-- "There certainly have been very strange things happen in Iping during the last few days very strange.
-- At last I must con-fess my voice suddenly broke in the middle of a vigorous threat.
-- I stared before me out at the green sea, frothing under a freshening breeze, and let these and other strange memories of the last few days chase one another through my mind.
-- They were painful at first, but their constant resurgence at last altogether upset my balance.
-- The emotional appeal of those yells grew upon me steadi-ly, grew at last to such an exquisite expression of suffering that I could stand it in that confined room no longer.
-- At last I did it at a run; and as I emerged from the thicket upon the sand, I heard some oth-er body come crashing after me.
-- There was no answer and Mother Wolf got ready for what she knew would be her last fight, if things came to fighting.
-- At last they all went down the hill for the dead bull, and only Akela, Bagheera, Baloo, and Mowgli's own wolves were left.
-- He was thinking of the time that comes to every leader of every pack when his strength goes from him and he gets feebler and feebler, till at last he is killed by the wolves and a new leader comes up to be killed in his turn.
-- 'They would have killed him last night, but they needed thee also.
-- He has kept our Law"; and at last the seniors of the Pack thundered: 'Let the Dead Wolf speak.'
-- The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore CooperDownload free eBookseBooks of classic literature, books and novels at Planet eBook.
-- It was in this scene of strife and bloodshed that the inci-dents we shall attempt to relate occurred, during the third year of the war which England and France last waged for the possession of a country that neither was destined to re-tain.
-- At length the sun set in a flood of glory, behind the distant western hills, and as dark-ness drew its veil around the secluded spot the sounds of preparation diminished; the last light finally disappeared from the log cabin of some officer; the trees cast their deep-er shadows over the mounds and the rippling stream, and a silence soon pervaded the camp, as deep as that which reigned in the vast forest by which it was environed.
-- The person of this individual was to the last degree un-gainly, without being in any particular manner deformed.
-- A large, civil cocked hat, like those worn by clergymen within the last thirty years, surmounted the whole, furnishing dignity to a good-natured and somewhat vacant countenance, that ap-parently needed such artificial aid, to support the gravity of some high and extraordinary trust.
-- As to the books and furniture of the schoolhouse, they belonged to the community, excepting Cotton Mather's History of Witchcraft, a New England Almanac, and book of dreams and fortune-telling; in which last was a sheet of foolscap much scribbled and blotted in several fruitless at-tempts to make a copy of verses in honor of the heiress of Van Tassel.
-- There, as is notorious, he spent the last years of his life; and there I came across persons who were familiar with him.
-- There is no last word.
-- Chapter VIBut when at last I met Charles Strickland, it was under circumstances which allowed me to do no more than just make his acquaintance.
-- When at last we were all assembled, waiting for dinner to be announced, I reflected, while I chatted with the woman I had been asked to "take in," that civilised man practises a strange ingenuity in wasting on tedious exercises the brief span of his life.
-- At last she rose and shepherded the ladies out of one room.
-- "There!the last sack is empty!"