
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:51


last是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 最后的, 刚过去的ad. 最后n. 最后v. 持续,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "In Search of the Castaways," which has also been published as "The Children of Captain Grant" and as "A Voyage Around the World," is perhaps most interesting in connection with the last of these titles.

-- At last he said: "There are three distinct documents here, apparently copies of the same document in three different languages.

-- The last two words are plain enough.

-- At last the Major said, addressing Lord Glenarvan: "Then you have no hope whatever?"

-- "Was it last evening that you came on board this vessel?"



-- 'I presume, sir,' said he at last, 'that it was not merely for the purpose of examining my skull that you have done me the honour to call here last night and again to-day?'

-- At last in the stress of her fear she did that which might have daunted the bravest or most active man, for by the aid of the growth of ivy which covered (and still covers) the south wall she came down from under the eaves, and so homeward across the moor, there being three leagues betwixt the Hall and her father's farm.

-- And the man, as the story goes, was so crazed with fear that he could scarce speak, but at last he said that he had indeed seen the unhappy maiden, with the hounds upon her track.

-- Riding slowly in this fashion they came at last upon the hounds.

-- The young man when last heard of was in America, and inquiries are being instituted with a view to informing him of his good fortune.'



-- I believe I am the last and only one.

-- I don't know how Mrs. Epanchin comes into the Muishkin family, but she is descended from the Princess Muishkin, and she, too, is the last of her line.'

-- This last fact could, of course, reflect nothing but credit upon the general; and yet, though unquestionably a saga-cious man, he had his own little weaknesses-very excusable ones, one of which was a dislike to any allusion to the above circumstance.

-- During these last few years all three of the general's daughtersAlexandra, Adelaida, and Aglaya had grown up and matured.

-- There is one little matter some advice I am going to ask him for; but my principal object is simply to introduce myself, because I am Prince Muishkin, and Madame Epanchin is the last of her branch of the house, and besides herself and me there are no other Muishkins left.'



-- At last a seer in the fulness of his knowledge declared to us the oracles of Apollo, and I was myself first to say that we should appease him.

-- Nine heralds went crying about among them to stay their tumult and bid them listen to the kings, till at last they were got into their several places and ceased their clamour.

-- Jove has sent us this sign, long in coming, and long ere it be fulfilled, though its fame shall last for ever.

-- If you will agree to this last Menelaus can take back Helen and the city of Priam may remain still inhab-ited.'

-- Now the son of Tydeus was in pursuit of the Cyprian goddess, spear in hand, for he knew her to be feeble and not one of those goddesses that can lord it among men in battle like Minerva or Enyo the waster of cities, and when at last after a long chase he caught her up, he flew at her and thrust his spear into the flesh of her delicate hand.



-- The Invisible Man A Grotesque Romance By H. G. Wells CONTENTS I The strange Man's Arrival II Mr. Teddy Henfrey's first Impressions III The thousand and one Bottles IV Mr. Cuss interviews the Stranger V The Burglary at the Vicarage VI The Furniture that went mad VII The Unveiling of the Stranger VIII In Transit IX Mr. Thomas Marvel X Mr. Marvel's Visit to Iping XI In the "Coach and Horses" XII The invisible Man loses his Temper XIII Mr. Marvel discusses his Resignation XIV At Port Stowe XV The Man who was running XVI In the "Jolly Cricketers" XVII Dr. Kemp's Visitor XVIII The invisible Man sleeps XIX Certain first Principles XX At the House in Great Portland Street XXI In Oxford Street XXII In the Emporium XXIII In Drury Lane XXIV The Plan that failed XXV The Hunting of the invisible Man XXVI The Wicksteed Murder XXVII The Siege of Kemp's House XXVIII The Hunter hunted The Epilogue CHAPTER I THE STRANGE MAN'S ARRIVAL The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking from Bramblehurst railway station, and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand.

-- They refastened the back door, examined the kitchen, pantry, and scullery thoroughly, and at last went down into the cellar.

-- Not a word was spoken until the last echoes of the slam had died away.



-- He was just about to make one last offer, but he lacked the courage to do so.











