last是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 最后的, 刚过去的ad. 最后n. 最后v. 持续,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- At this hour of the night, of the last day of the week, that quarter of the town proved all but deserted.
-- Moving on, I at last came to a dim sort of light not far from the docks, and heard a forlorn creaking in the air; and looking up, saw a swinging sign over the door with a white painting upon it, faintly representing a tall straight jet of misty spray, and these words underneath "The Spouter Inn: Peter Coffin."
-- But by dint of much and earnest contemplation, and oft repeated ponderings, and especially by throwing open the little window towards the back of the entry, you at last come to the conclusion that such an idea, however wild, might not be altogether unwarranted.
-- But at last all these fancies yielded to that one portentous something in the picture's midst.
-- The original iron entered nigh the tail, and, like a restless needle sojourning in the body of a man, travelled full forty feet, and at last was found imbedded in the hump.
-- 'She was brought here last night,' replied the old woman, 'by the overseer's order.
-- The last was a S,--Swubble, I named him.
-- The gentleman who spoke last was unconsciously right.
-- They made a great many other wise and humane regulations, having reference to the ladies, which it is not necessary to repeat; kindly undertook to divorce poor married people, in consequence of the great expense of a suit in Doctors' Commons; and, instead of compelling a man to support his family, as they had theretofore done, took his family away from him, and made him a bachelor!There is no saying how many applicants for relief, under these last two heads, might have started up in all classes of society, if it had not been coupled with the workhouse; but the board were long-headed men, and had provided for this difficulty.
-- Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months: at last they got so voracious and wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, and hadn't been used to that sort of thing (for his father had kept a small cook-shop), hinted darkly to his companions, that unless he had another basin of gruel per diem, he was afraid he might some night happen to eat the boy who slept next him, who happened to be a weakly youth of tender age.
-- I have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least.'
-- He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid she had no knowledge of it.
-- They attacked him in various ways with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises; but he eluded the skill of them all, and they were at last obliged to accept the second-hand intelligence of their neighbour, Lady Lucas.
-- and his answering immediately to the last question: 'Oh!the eldest Miss Bennet, beyond a doubt; there cannot be two opinions on that point.''
-- Mrs. Long told me last night that he sat close to her for half-an-hour without once opening his lips.'
-- If you knew the real state of the case, that's the last observation you would think of making.
-- repeated Mr Meagles, who appeared (though without any ill-nature) to be in that peculiar state of mind in which the last word spoken by anybody else is a new injury.
-- Father and Mother Meagles sat with their daughter between them, the last three on one side of the table: on the opposite side sat Mr Clennam; a tall French gentleman with raven hair and beard, of a swart and terrible, not to say genteelly diabolical aspect, but who had shown himself the mildest of men; and a handsome young Englishwoman, travelling quite alone, who had a proud observant face, and had either withdrawn herself from the rest or been avoided by the rest nobody, herself excepted perhaps, could have quite decided which.
-- The reserved Englishwoman took up Mr Meagles in his last remark.
-- The first sound in the morning was her voice as she went about the house singing like a lark, and the last sound at night was the same cheery sound, for the girls never grew too old for that familiar lullaby.
-- Just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so the ends come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like the last fashion.
-- 'We spent last winter there.'
-- Somehow it seemed as if they couldn't have got through the day without that, for what-ever their mood might be, the last glimpse of that motherly face was sure to affect them like sunshine.
-- But, like all happiness, it did not last long, for as sure as she had just reached the heart of the story, the sweetest verse of a song, or the most perilous adventure of her traveler, a shrill voice called, 'Josy-phine!Josy-phine!and she had to leave her paradise to wind yarn, wash the poodle, or read Belsham's Essays by the hour together.