
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:49


back是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 后面的ad. 向后v. 倒退; 支持n. 背; 后面,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "Besides," thought I, "all roads lead back to Europe; and the unicorn may be amiable enough to hurry me towards the coast of France.

-- This worthy animal may allow itself to be caught in the seas of Europe (for my particular benefit), and I will not bring back less than half a yard of his ivory halberd to the Museum of Natural History."

-- Now leaning on the netting of the forecastle, now on the taffrail, I devoured with eagerness the soft foam which whitened the sea as far as the eye could reach; and how often have I shared the emotion of the majority of the crew, when some capricious whale raised its black back above the waves!The poop of the vessel was crowded on a moment.

-- What time lost, what useless emotions!We should have been back in France six months ago."

-- Conseil made a last effort, and, leaning on my shoulder, while I struck out in a desperate effort, he raised himself half out of the water, then fell back exhausted.



-- She had just come back from London, where she had spent several years, working at an art-school, as a student, and living a studio life.

-- She sat back from her drawing and looked at Ursula, from under her finely-curved lashes.

-- I think my coming back home was just reculer pour mieux sauter."

-- "And how do you find home, now you have come back to it?"

-- It was strange that she should have chosen to come back and test the full effect of this shapeless, barren ugliness upon herself.



-- I took a seat at the end of the hearthstone opposite that towards which my landlord advanced, and filled up an interval of silence by attempting to caress the canine mother, who had left her nursery, and was sneaking wolfishly to the back of my legs, her lip curled up, and her white teeth watering for a snatch.

-- This spectacle drove me back immediately; I took my hat, and, after a four miles' walk, arrived at Heathcliff's garden gate just in time to escape the first feathery flakes of a snow shower.

-- She looked at me, leaning back in her chair, and remained motionless and mute.

-- He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.

-- I slid back the panelled sides, got in with my light, pulled them together again, and felt secure against the vigilance of Heathcliff, and every one else.



-- thought Alice, suddenly jumping up, 'if I don't make haste I shall have to go back through the Looking-glass, before I've seen what the rest of the house is like!Let's have a look at the garden first!'

-- But how curiously it twists!It's more like a corkscrew than a path!Well, this turn goes to the hill, I suppose no, it doesn't!This goes straight back to the house!Well then, I'll try it the other way.'



-- 茫聙聙茫聙聙茫聙聙PART ONEThe Old Buccaneer1 The Old Sea-dog at the "Admiral Benbow"QUIRE TRELAWNEY, Dr. Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace 17__ and go back to the time when my father kept the Admiral Benbow inn and the brown old seaman with the sabre cut first took up his lodging under our roof.

-- Every day when he came back from his stroll he would ask if any seafaring men had gone by along the road.

-- People were frightened at the time, but on looking back they rather liked it; it was a fine excitement in a quiet country life, and there was even a party of the younger men who pretended to admire him, calling him a "true sea-dog" and a "real old salt" and such like names, and saying there was the sort of man that made England terrible at sea.

-- The captain had risen earlier than usual and set out down the beach, his cutlass swinging under the broad skirts of the old blue coat, his brass telescope under his arm, his hat tilted back upon his head.

-- As soon as I was back again he returned to his former manner, half fawning, half sneering, patted me on the shoulder, told me I was a good boy and he had taken quite a fancy to me.











