
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:49


back是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 后面的ad. 向后v. 倒退; 支持n. 背; 后面,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The stranger turned round with his back to the fireplace and put his hands behind his back.

-- He never said a word; just glared, and put his sleeve back in his pocket quickly.



-- At the same time my eye caught my hand, thin so that it looked like a dirty skin-purse full of loose bones, and all the business of the boat came back to me.

-- He came back again with the boiled mutton, and I was so excited by the appetising smell of it that I forgot the noise of the beast that had troubled me.

-- He was standing on the ladder with his back to us, peering over the combing of the hatch-way.

-- I bargained to take a man and his attendant to and from Arica, and bring back some animals.

-- That black figure with its eyes of fire struck down through all my adult thoughts and feelings, and for a moment the forgotten horrors of child-hood came back to my mind.



-- He scuttled to the back of the cave, where he found the bone of a buck with some meat on it, and sat cracking the end merrily.

-- A Wolf accustomed to moving his own cubs can, if neces-sary, mouth an egg without breaking it, and though Father Wolf's jaws closed right on the child's back not a tooth even scratched the skin as he laid it down among the cubs.

-- He shall live to run with the Pack and to hunt with the Pack; and in the end, look you, hunter of little naked cubs frog-eater fish-killer he shall hunt thee!Now get hence, or by the Sambhur that I killed (I eat no starved cattle), back thou goest to thy mother, burned beast of the jungle, lamer than ever thou camest into the world!Go!'

-- There was a chorus of deep growls, and a young wolf in his fourth year flung back Shere Khan's question to Akela: 'What have the Free People to do with a man's cub?'

-- 'And even as I returned to my jungle, so thou must go back to men at last to the men who are thy brothers if thou art not killed in the Council.'



-- The name has appeared to find favor, and all things considered, it may possibly be quite as well to let it stand, instead of going back to the House of Hanover for the appellation of our finest sheet of water.

-- While the husbandman shrank back from the dangerous passes, within the safer boundaries of the more ancient set-tlements, armies larger than those that had often disposed of the scepters of the mother countries, were seen to bury themselves in these forests, whence they rarely returned but in skeleton bands, that were haggard with care or dejected by defeat.

-- Though the arts of peace were unknown to this fatal region, its forests were alive with men; its shades and glens rang with the sounds of martial music, and the echoes of its mountains threw back the laugh, or repeated the wan-ton cry, of many a gallant and reckless youth, as he hurried by them, in the noontide of his spirits, to slumber in a long night of forgetfulness.

-- The simple admirer of the war-horse instantly fell back to a low, gaunt, switch-tailed mare, that was unconsciously gleaning the faded herbage of the camp nigh by; where, leaning with one elbow on the blanket that concealed an apology for a saddle, he became a spectator of the departure, while a foal was quietly making its morning repast, on the opposite side of the same animal.

-- Foot by foot, they were driven back from the shores, until I, that am a chief and a Sagamore, have never seen the sun shine but through the trees, and have never visited the graves of my fathers.'



-- Indeed, certain of the most authentic historians of those parts, who have been careful in collecting and collating the floating facts concerning this spectre, allege that the body of the trooper having been buried in the churchyard, the ghost rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head, and that the rushing speed with which he sometimes passes along the Hollow, like a midnight blast, is owing to his being be-lated, and in a hurry to get back to the churchyard before daybreak.

-- a round-crowned fragment of a hat, like the cap of Mercury, and mounted on the back of a ragged, wild, half-broken colt, which he managed with a rope by way of halter.

-- Then, he thought, how soon he 'd turn his back upon the old schoolhouse; snap his fingers in the face of Hans Van Ripper, and every other niggardly patron, and kick any itinerant pedagogue out of doors that should dare to call him comrade!



-- I admire their polish their youth is already so accomplished that it seems absurd to speak of promise I marvel at the felicity of their style; but with all their copiousness (their vocabulary suggests that they fingered Roget's Thesaurus in their cradles) they say nothing to me: to my mind they know too much and feel too obviously; I cannot stomach the heartiness with which they slap me on the back or the emotion with which they hurl themselves on my bosom; their passion seems to me a little anaemic and their dreams a trifle dull.

-- I remember that I thought their conversation brilliant, and I used to listen with astonishment to the stinging humour with which they would tear a brother-author to pieces the moment that his back was turned.

-- I had not been back twenty-four hours before I ran across Rose Waterford in Jermyn Street.

-- The blinds were partly drawn to darken the room, and Mrs. Strickland was sitting with her back to the light.











