back是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 后面的ad. 向后v. 倒退; 支持n. 背; 后面,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The Parsee, now convinced that it was impossible to force an entrance to the temple, advanced no farther, but led his companions back again.
-- He did awe his Gang by bandaging stone-bruises, dissecting squirrels, and explaining the astounding and secret matters to be discovered at the back of the physiology, but he was not completely free from an ambition to command such glory among them as was enjoyed by the son of the Episcopalian minister, who could smoke an entire cigar without becoming sick.
-- But as Martin helped him to his feet he broke away, scrabbled about on his desk, and looked back doubtfully.
-- There is a feeling of New England in its brick and sycamore villages, its stable industries, and a tradition which goes back to the Revolutionary War.
-- Gottlieb had turned back to his desk, which was heaped with shabby note-books, sheets of calculations, and a marvelously precise chart with red and green curves descending to vanish at zero.
-- Come back next year."
-- Suddenly the troops beat a tattoo, we were unbound, brought back upon the scaffold, and informed that his Majesty had spared us our lives.'
-- It was a back staircase, dark and narrow, but he was familiar with it already, and knew his way, and he liked all these sur-roundings: in such darkness even the most inquisitive eyes were not to be dreaded.
-- 'I've brought something to pawn here,' and he drew out of his pocket an old-fashioned flat silver watch, on the back of which was engraved a globe; the chain was of steel.
-- 'Please yourself' and the old woman handed him back the watch.
-- 'I may be bringing you something else in a day or two, Alyona Ivanovna a valuable thing silver a cigarette-box, as soon as I get it back from a friend 芒聙娄' he broke off in confusion.
-- Not to meander myself, at present, Iwill go back to my birth.
-- said Miss Betsey, coming back to her chair, as if she hadonly been taking a casual look at the prospect; 'and when do youexpect-' 'I am all in a tremble,' faltered my mother.
-- She vanished like a discontentedfairy; or like one of those supernatural beings whom it waspopularly supposed I was entitled to see; and never came back anymore.
-- This may be fancy, though I think the memory of most of us can gofarther back into such times than many of us suppose; just as Ibelieve the power of observation in numbers of very youngchildren to be quite wonderful for its closeness and accuracy.
-- On the ground-floor isPeggotty's kitchen, opening into a back yard; with a pigeon-houseon a pole, in the centre, without any pigeons in it; a great dog-kennel in a corner, without any dog; and a quantity of fowls that 21look terribly tall to me, walking about, in a menacing and ferociousmanner.
-- It is a beautiful moonlight night; and so mild that I must draw back from your great fire.'
-- Mrs. Goddard was the mistress of a School not of a sem-inary, or an establishment, or any thing which professed, in long sentences of refined nonsense, to combine liberal acquirements with elegant morality, upon new principles and new systems and where young ladies for enormous pay might be screwed out of health and into vanity but a real, honest, old-fashioned Boarding-school, where a reasonable quantity of accomplishments were sold at a rea-sonable price, and where girls might be sent to be out of the way, and scramble themselves into a little education, with-out any danger of coming back prodigies.
-- Harriet was soon back again, and the proposal almost 52 Emmaimmediately made; and she had no scruples which could stand many minutes against the earnest pressing of both the others.
-- She had heard, as soon as she got back to Mrs. Goddard's, that Mr. Martin had been there an hour before, and finding she was not at home, nor par-ticularly expected, had left a little parcel for her from one of his sisters, and gone away; and on opening this parcel, she had actually found, besides the two songs which she had lent Elizabeth to copy, a letter to herself; and this letter was from him, from Mr. Martin, and contained a direct pro-posal of marriage.
-- Mr. Perry had been to Mrs. Goddard's to attend a sick child, and Miss Nash had seen him, and he had told Miss Nash, that as he was coming back yesterday from Clayton Park, he had met Mr. Elton, and found to his great surprize, that Mr. Elton was actu-ally on his road to London, and not meaning to return till 82 Emmathe morrow, though it was the whist-club night, which he had been never known to miss before; and Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it, and told him how shabby it was in him, their best player, to absent himself, and tried very much to persuade him to put off his journey only one day; but it would not do; Mr. Elton had been determined to go on, and had said in a very particular way indeed, that he was going on business which he would not put off for any inducement in the world; and something about a very enviable commission, and being the bearer of something exceedingly precious.
-- He was not yet in sight; and her eyes crept back to the package, her thoughts seeming to run upon what was inside it.
-- Gabriel, perhaps a little piqued by the comely traveller's indifference, glanced back to where he had witnessed her performance over the hedge, and said, "Vanity."
-- After such a nocturnal reconnoitre it is hard to get back to earth, and to believe that the consciousness of such majestic speeding is derived from a tiny human frame.