grace是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 优美, 文雅; 恩惠, 恩泽; 宽限, 缓刑; 感恩祷告,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- That kind of queerness is easy to understand, for sure, and but for the grace of God Gerald O'Harawould be having all those faults!And I don't mean that Ashley would run off with another woman, if you were hiswife, or beat you.
-- She was a tall woman, standing a head higher than her fierylittle husband, but she moved with such quiet grace in her swaying hoops that the height attracted no attention to itself.
-- He liked the casual grace with whichthey conducted affairs of importance, risking a fortune, a plantation or a slave on the turn of a card and writing offtheir losses with careless good humor and no more ado than when they scattered pennies to pickaninnies.
-- The inner grace from which these signs should spring, she never learned nor did she see any reason forlearning it.
-- There was no servant so stupid that she did not find some redeeming trait ofloyalty and kind-heartedness, no girl so ugly and disagreeable that she could not discover grace of form or nobility ofcharacter in her, and no man so worthless or so boring that she did not view him in the light of his possibilities ratherthan his actualities.
-- Mr. Wopsle said grace with theatrical declamation,--as it now appears to me, something like a religious cross of the Ghost in Hamlet with Richard the Third,--and ended with the very proper aspiration that we might be truly grateful.
-- It led to my remarking, with more zeal than discretion, that it came with a bad grace from him, to whom Startop had lent money in my presence but a week or so before.
-- Hereupon Startop took him in hand, though with a much better grace than I had shown, and exhorted him to be a little more agreeable.
-- "Mother by adoption," retorted Estella, never departing from the easy grace of her attitude, never raising her voice as the other did, never yielding either to anger or tenderness,--"mother by adoption, I have said that I owe everything to you.
-- He further gave me leave to accompany the prisoner to London; but declined to accord that grace to my two friends.
-- The treasurer took a fancy to be jealous of his wife, from the malice of some evil tongues, who informed him that her grace had taken a violent affection for my person; and the court scandal ran for some time, that she once came pri-vately to my lodging.
-- This I solemnly declare to be a most infamous falsehood, without any grounds, further than that her grace was pleased to treat me with all innocent marks of freedom and friendship.
-- Mrs. Sparsit was conscious that by coming in the evening-tide among the desks and writing implements, she shed a feminine, not to say also aristocratic, grace upon the office.
-- He was neither courtly, nor handsome, nor picturesque, in any respect; and yet his manner of accepting it, and of expressing his thanks without more words, had a grace in it that Lord Chesterfield could not have taught his son in a century.
-- The not being troubled with earnestness was a grand point in his favour, enabling him to take to the hard Fact fellows with as good a grace as if he had been born one of the tribe, and to throw all other tribes overboard, as conscious hypocrites.
-- She was not very tall, a bit Scottish and short; but she had a certain fluent, down-slipping grace that might have been beauty.
-- Who could pass an evening in the house, and not love her for the grace and charm of her very presence in the room?
-- Then, being all in all to one another, there was even an appropriate grace in the lock.
-- But I take it as a grace and favour to be elected to make the satisfaction I am making here, to know what I know for certain here, and to work out what I have worked out here.
-- But Pet was the darling and pride of his heart; and if he could ever have championed her more devotedly, or loved her better, than in the days when she was the sunlight of his house, it would have been now, when, as its daily grace and delight, she was lost to it.
-- Nevertheless, I think I could put in evidence an admission of the Captain's,' said Bar, with a little jocose roll of his head; for, in his legal current of speech, he always assumed the air of rallying himself with the best grace in the world; 'an admission of the Captain's that Law, in the gross, is at least intended to be impartial.
-- I heard Mrs. King crying and Mr. King talk-ing very loud, and Grace and Ellen turned away their faces when they passed me, so I shouldn't see how red and swol-len their eyes were.
-- Amy found Grace a well-mannered, merry, little person, and af-ter staring dumbly at one another for a few minutes, they suddenly became very good friends.
-- Frank, Beth, Amy, and Grace sat down to watch the game played by the other eight.