found是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 建立; 创立; 创办; 使有根据; 铸造; 熔制,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Here I meditated nothing but my escape, and what meth-od I might take to effect it, but found no way that had the least probability in it; nothing presented to make the sup-position of it rational; for I had nobody to communicate it to that would embark with me - no fellow-slave, no English-man, Irishman, or Scotchman there but myself; so that for two years, though I often pleased myself with the imagi-nation, yet I never had the least encouraging prospect of putting it in practice.
-- It happened one time, that going a-fishing in a calm morning, a fog rose so thick that, though we were not half a league from the shore, we lost sight of it; and rowing we knew not whither or which way, we laboured all day, and all the next night; and when the morning came we found we had pulled off to sea instead of pulling in for the shore; and that we were at least two leagues from the shore.
-- This moment my former notions of deliverance darted into my thoughts, for now I found I was likely to have a little ship at my command; and my master being gone, I prepared to furnish myself, not for fishing business, but for a voyage; though I knew not, neither did I so much as con-sider, whither I should steer - anywhere to get out of that place was my desire.
-- At the same time I had found some powder of my master's in the great cabin, with which I filled one of the large bottles in the case, which was almost empty, pouring what was in it into another; and thus furnished with everything needful, we sailed out of the port to fish.
-- I thought he was pursued by some savage, or frighted with some wild beast, and I ran forward towards him to help him; but when I came nearer to him I saw something hang-ing over his shoulders, which was a creature that he had shot, like a hare, but different in colour, and longer legs; however, we were very glad of it, and it was very good meat; but the great joy that poor Xury came with, was to tell me he had found good water and seen no wild mans.
-- I have known a great deal of the trouble of annuities; for my mother was clogged with the payment of three to old superannuated servants by my father's will, and it is amazing how disagreeable she found it.
-- The contempt which she had, very early in their acquaintance, felt for her daughter-in-law, was very much increased by the farther knowledge of her character, which half a year's residence in her family afforded; and perhaps in spite of every consideration of politeness or maternal affection on the side of the former, the two ladies might have found it impossible to have lived together so long, had not a particular circumstance occurred to give still greater eligibility, according to the opinions of Mrs. Dashwood, to her daughters' continuance at Norland.
-- A more reasonable cause might be found in the dependent situation which forbade the indulgence of his affection.
-- His name was good, his residence was in their favourite village, and she soon found out that of all manly dresses a shooting-jacket was the most becoming.
-- I have found him capable of giving me much information on various subjects; and he has always answered my inquiries with readiness of good-breeding and good nature."
-- In the interval which marked the preparation of the meal Carrie found time to study the flat.
-- There she found other girls ahead of her, applicants like herself, but with more of that self-satisfied and independent air which experience of the city lends; girls who scrutinised her in a painful manner.
-- She cast about vainly for some possible place to apply, but found no door which she had the courage to enter.
-- He left her revived by the possibilities, sure that she had found something at last.
-- She found it difficult to conquer an inclination to cry.
-- Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich.
-- We went down the hill and found Jo Harper and Ben Rogers, and two or three more of the boys, hid in the old tanyard.
-- Well, about this time he was found in the river drownded, about twelve mile above town, so people said.
-- So I went to him that night and told him pap was here again, for I found his tracks in the snow.
-- Then they tucked the old man into a beauti- ful room, which was the spare room, and in the night some time he got powerful thirsty and clumb out on to the porch-roof and slid down a stan-chion and traded his new coat for a jug of forty-rod, and clumb back again and had a good old time; and towards daylight he crawled out again, drunk as a fiddler, and rolled off the porch and broke his left arm in two places, and was most froze to death when somebody found him after sun-up.
-- The Adventures of Pinocchio by C. Collodi [Pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini] Translated from the Italian by Carol Della Chiesa CHAPTER 1 How it happened that Mastro Cherry, carpenter, found a piece of wood that wept and laughed like a child.
-- I do not know how this really happened, yet the fact remains that one fine day this piece of wood found itself in the shop of an old carpenter.
-- When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting on the floor.
-- When the fight was over, Mastro Antonio had Geppetto's yellow wig in his hands and Geppetto found the carpenter's curly wig in his mouth.