
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:40


tender是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 脆弱的, 娇嫩的; 温柔的; vt. 提供, 投标,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- If you would save these tender blossoms from the fangs of the worst of serpents, gentle-man, you have neither time to lose nor resolution to throw away!'

-- Immediately conscious how unavailing any struggle against such an overwhelming force must prove, he submit-ted to his fate, encouraging his gentle companions by a few low and tender assurances, that the natives seldom failed to threaten more than they performed.

-- I have known many fond and tender parents, but never have I seen a man whose heart was softer toward his child.

-- This time he was, however, without any accom-paniment, for the sisters were just then pouring out those tender effusions of affection which have been already allud-ed to.

-- Uncas, take my steel and kindle a fire; a mouthful of a tender broil will give natur' a helping hand, after so long a trail.'



-- There was the doughty doughnut, the tender olykoek, and the crisp and crumbling cruller; sweet cakes and short cakes, ginger cakes and honey cakes, and the whole fam-ily of cakes.



-- His wife's tidiness was one of the traits which had so much pleased him; his own upbringing had given him a tender sympathy for the delight in orderliness; and when he had seen her instinctive desire to put each thing in its appointed place it had given him a little warm feeling in his heart.



-- Look here!These two little peccaries are not more than three months old!They will be as tender as quails!Come along, Neb, come!I will look after the cooking myself."



-- The child opened the door (now guarded by a shutter which I had heard the boy put up before he left the house) and with another farewell whose clear and tender note I have recalled a thousand times, held it until we had passed out.

-- 'Why, sir,' returned Dick, 'between Miss Sophia Wackles and the humble individual who has now the honor to address you, warm and tender sentiments have been engendered, sentiments of the most honourable and inspiring kind.

-- The spot was at Chelsea, for there Miss Sophia Wackles resided with her widowed mother and two sisters, in conjunction with whom she maintained a very small day-school for young ladies of proportionate dimensions; a circumstance which was made known to the neighbourhood by an oval board over the front first-floor windows, whereupon appeared in circumambient flourishes the words 'Ladies' Seminary'; and which was further published and proclaimed at intervals between the hours of half-past nine and ten in the morning, by a straggling and solitary young lady of tender years standing on the scraper on the tips of her toes and making futile attempts to reach the knocker with a spelling-book.

-- Mr Cheggs hastened to tender his hand to Miss Sophy, and Mr Swiviller sat himself down in a corner in a very moody state.

-- But now she soothed him with gentle and tender words, smiled at his thinking they could ever part, and rallied him cheerfully upon the jest.



-- thought Nekhludoff, recalling Natalie as she had been before her marriage, and a tender feeling, woven of countless recollections of their childhood, rose in his breast toward her.

-- The conversation about financial affairs and the inheritance at once destroyed the tender relations they had resumed.



-- There was a living, tender beauty, like a tender light of dawn shining from her face.

-- There was something strangely pathetic and tender in her moving, unconscious finger-tips, that were agitated and hurt, really.

-- She was thinking of the slender, immature, tender limbs of the girl, smooth and cold in green bronze.

-- Before twenty, she is small and fresh and tender and slight.






