
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:17


vague是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 不明确的, 含糊的, 暧昧的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Over the green squares of the fields and the low curve of a wood there rose in the distance a gray, melancholy hill, with a strange jagged summit, dim and vague in the dis-tance, like some fantastic landscape in a dream.

-- Then on the top of these more or less vague im-pressions there had come the definite and distinct warning of Miss Stapleton, delivered with such intense earnestness that I could not doubt that some grave and deep reason lay behind it.

-- She turned and had disappeared in a few min-utes among the scattered boulders, while I, with my soul full of vague fears, pursued my way to Baskerville Hall.

-- And that was a most vague direction.



-- I had understood nothing about Russia before, and had only vague and fantastic memories of it.

-- Vague though this sounds, it was perfectly comprehensible to Muishkin, though he knew that it was but a feeble expression of his sensations.

-- He was anxious to seize upon some facts which might confirm Hippolyte's vague warnings; but there were none; only Hippolyte's own private impressions and feel-ings.



-- The vague dread that had been in my mind since I had seen the inhuman face of the man at the stream grew distinc-ter as I stood there.

-- He said some-thing vague about his forgetting to warn me, and asked me briefly when I left the house and what I had seen.

-- I began to distinguish now a deeper blackness in the black, a vague outline of a hunched-up figure.

-- That these man-like creatures were in truth only bestial monsters, mere grotesque trav-esties of men, filled me with a vague uncertainty of their possibilities which was far worse than any definite fear.

-- I saw him administer a dose of the raw brandy to M'ling, and saw the five figures melt into one vague patch.



-- In the dead hush of mid-night, he could even hear the barking of the watchdog from the opposite shore of the Hudson; but it was so vague and faint as only to give an idea of his distance from this faith-ful companion of man.



-- It reminds you of a placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees, till at last it falls into the vasty sea; but the sea is so calm, so silent, so indifferent, that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness.

-- I suspected that Blanche Stroeve's violent dislike of Strickland had in it from the beginning a vague element of sexual attraction.

-- He is shut in a tower of brass, and can communicate with his fellows only by signs, and the signs have no common value, so that their sense is vague and uncertain.

-- He had a vague impression of a great primeval forest and of naked people walking beneath the trees.

-- It brought to his mind vague recollections of black magic.



-- Herbert, however, agitated by vague presentiments, several times manifested an intention to go to meet Neb.

-- But at one point of the horizon a vague light suddenly appeared, which descended slowly in proportion as the cloud mounted to the zenith.



-- Then, the crowds for ever passing and repassing on the bridges (on those which are free of toll at last), where many stop on fine evenings looking listlessly down upon the water with some vague idea that by and by it runs between green banks which grow wider and wider until at last it joins the broad vast sea where some halt to rest from heavy loads and think as they look over the parapet that to smoke and lounge away one's life, and lie sleeping in the sun upon a hot tarpaulin, in a dull, slow, sluggish barge, must be happiness unalloyed and where some, and a very different class, pause with heavier loads than they, remembering to have heard or read in old time that drowning was not a hard death, but of all means of suicide the easiest and best.

-- Mr Swiveller's conduct in respect to Miss Sophy having been of that vague and dilatory kind which is usually looked upon as betokening no fixed matrimonial intentions, the young lady herself began in course of time to deem it highly desirable, that it should be brought to an issue one way or other.

-- He wandered up and down the house and into and out of the various rooms, as if with some vague intent of bidding them adieu, but he referred neither by direct allusions nor in any other manner to the interview of the morning or the necessity of finding some other shelter.

-- From many dreams of rambling through light and sunny places, but with some vague object unattained which ran indistinctly through them all, she awoke to find that it was yet night, and that the stars were shining brightly in the sky.






