
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:17


vague是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 不明确的, 含糊的, 暧昧的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- My visitors seemed to breathe more freely whenhe was gone; but my own relief was very great, for besides theconstraint, arising from that extraordinary sense of being at adisadvantage which I always had in this man's presence, myconscience had embarrassed me with whispers that I hadmistrusted his master, and I could not repress a vague uneasydread that he might find it out.



-- Between this half-wooded half-naked hill, and the vague still horizon that its summit indistinctly commanded, was a mysterious sheet of fathomless shade the sounds from which suggested that what it concealed bore some reduced resemblance to features here.

-- It is hardly too much to say that she felt coerced by a force stronger than her own will, not only into the act of promising upon this singularly remote and vague matter, but into the emotion of fancying that she ought to promise.



-- Especially vague were her recollections of the time betweenher acceptance of Charles and her wedding.

-- To make matters worse, a vague distrust of those in high places had begun to creep over the civilian population.

-- She had a vague memory of one of Aunt Pitty's stories of a friend who was in labor for twodays and died without ever having the baby.

-- As she took the whisky from him and held it to her mouth, she saw his eyes follow her, a vague stirring ofdisapproval in them.



-- With some vague misgiving that she might get upon the table then and there and die at once, the complete realization of the ghastly waxwork at the Fair, I shrank under her touch.

-- Then, came that singular calm and silence which succeed all uproars; and then, with the vague sensation which I have always connected with such a lull,--namely, that it was Sunday, and somebody was dead,--I went upstairs to dress myself.

-- Secondly,--Yes!Secondly, there was a vague something lingering in my thoughts that will come out very near the end of this slight narrative.

-- What remained for me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure to him, and my penitent remonstrance with him, and there to relieve my mind and heart of that reserved Secondly, which had begun as a vague something lingering in my thoughts, and had formed into a settled purpose?



-- Yet there was a vague remembrance in his mind, as if he had more than once dreamed of some old woman like her.

-- Gold and silver coin, precious paper, secrets that if divulged would bring vague destruction upon vague persons (generally, however, people whom she disliked), were the chief items in her ideal catalogue thereof.

-- These people, as they listened to the friendly voice that read aloud there was always some such ready to help them stared at the characters which meant so much with a vague awe and respect that would have been half ludicrous, if any aspect of public ignorance could ever be otherwise than threatening and full of evil.



-- There was a reason, and it may be regarded as a good one, why my uncle objected to display his learning more than was absolutely necessary: he stammered; and when intent upon explaining the phenomena of the heavens, was apt to find himself at fault, and allude in such a vague way to sun, moon, and stars that few were able to comprehend his meaning.

-- A certain undefined hope, vague and shapeless as yet, made my heart beat wildly.

-- I, moreover, heard a vague and indefinite murmur, like the ebb and flow of waves upon a strand, and sometimes I verily believed I could hear the sighing of the wind.

-- I began to look at my uncle with vague suspicion.

-- These ideas presented themselves to my mind in a very vague and obscure manner.



-- Connie and Clifford had now been nearly two years at Wragby, living their vague life of absorption in Clifford and his work.

-- Once in her room, however, she felt still vague and con-fused.



-- The more remote and cruel this vague suspicion that I have, the stronger the circumstances that could give it any semblance of probability to me.

-- 'Why, they're over there, my dear,' said the turnkey, with a vague flourish of his key.

-- All this time the uncle was dolefully blowing his clarionet in the corner, sometimes taking it an inch or so from his mouth for a moment while he stopped to gaze at them, with a vague impression that somebody had said something.






