curious是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 好奇的, 爱打听的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- A curious equality of friendship, originating, I suppose, in ourrespective circumstances, sprung up between me and these peoplenotwithstanding the ludicrous disparity in our years.
-- As a magistrate, he had generally some point of law to consult John about, or, at least, some curious anecdote to give; and as a farmer, as keeping in hand the home-farm at Donwell, he had to tell what every field was to bear next year, and to give all such local information as 122 Emmacould not fail of being interesting to a brother whose home it had equally been the longest part of his life, and whose at-tachments were strong.
-- I saw the word, and am curious to know how it could be so very entertaining to the one, and so very distressing to the other.'
-- Oak, upon hearing these remarks, became more curious to observe her features, but this prospect being denied him by the hooding effect of the cloak, and by his a脙芦rial position, he felt himself drawing upon his fancy for their details.
-- "'Tis a curious nature for a man," said Jan Coggan.
-- 'Twas a horrible sinful situation, and a very curious place for a good man.
-- The fact that four centuries had neither proved it to be founded on a mistake, inspired any hatred of its purpose, nor given rise to any reaction that had battered it down, invested this simple grey effort of old minds with a repose, if not a grandeur, which a too curious reflection was apt to disturb in its ecclesiastical and military compeers.
-- "Well, 'tis a curious place, to say the least," observed Moon; "and it must be a curious people that live therein."
-- The Maison Vauquer is one of these curious monstrosities.
-- I shall quit your vessel on the ice raft which brought me thither and shall seek the most northern extremity of the globe; I shall collect my funeral pile and consume to ashes this miserable frame, that its remains may afford no light to any curious and unhallowed wretch who would create such another as I have been.
-- Rhett sat still, the reins lax in his hands, looking after them, a curious moody look on his swarthy face.
-- He was already handing mincemeat down his throat in the most curious manner,--more like a man who was putting it away somewhere in a violent hurry, than a man who was eating it,--but he left off to take some of the liquor.
-- And any one could see that he shook with fear, and that there broke out upon his lips curious white flakes, like thin snow.
-- "Enough House," said I; "that's a curious name, miss."
-- Chapter IXWhen I reached home, my sister was very curious to know all about Miss Havisham's, and asked a number of questions.
-- Thus it was:--Again and again and again, my sister had traced upon the slate, a character that looked like a curious T, and then with the utmost eagerness had called our attention to it as something she particularly wanted.
-- Now the host had three daughters, who saw the goose and were curious to know what such a wonderful bird might be, and would have liked to have one of its golden feathers.
-- About three years ago, Mr. Gulliver growing weary of the concourse of curious people coming to him at his house in Redriff, made a small pur-chase of land, with a convenient house, near Newark, in Nottinghamshire, his native country; where he now lives retired, yet in good esteem among his neighbours.
-- As the news of my arrival spread through the kingdom, it brought prodigious numbers of rich, idle, and curious peo-ple to see me; so that the villages were almost emptied; and great neglect of tillage and household affairs must have en-sued, if his imperial majesty had not provided, by several proclamations and orders of state, against this inconve-niency.
-- I likewise delivered up my watch, which the emperor was very curious to see, and commanded two of his tallest yeo-men of the guards to bear it on a pole upon their shoulders, as draymen in England do a barrel of ale.
-- But because the reader may be curious to have some idea of the style and manner of expression peculiar to that people, as well as to know the article upon which I re-covered my liberty, I have made a translation of the whole instrument, word for word, as near as I was able, which I here offer to the public.
-- But I shall not anticipate the reader with further de-scriptions of this kind, because I reserve them for a greater work, which is now almost ready for the press; containing a general description of this empire, from its first erection, through along series of princes; with a particular account of their wars and politics, laws, learning, and religion; their plants and animals; their peculiar manners and customs, with other matters very curious and useful; my chief design at present being only to relate such events and transactions as happened to the public or to myself during a residence of about nine months in that empire.
-- Both Mr. Childers and Master Kidderminster walked in a curious manner; with their legs wider apart than the general run of men, and with a very knowing assumption of being stiff in the knees.
-- 'Tom,' enquired his sister, slowly, and in a curious tone, as if she were reading what she asked in the fire, and it was not quite plainly written there, 'do you look forward with any satisfaction to this change to Mr.